Chapter 2

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Words can not begin to describe how awkward the elevator ride is. Neither one of us said a word, but there were occasional glances toward each other. Is this what tonight is going to be like... silence? I flinch at the thought. I think I actually flinched because he snaps his head towards me and scrunches his brows in confusion. And then he speaks up.

"Miss Reed, are you alright?" Crap. I immediately turn bright red.

"Um yes, I'm fine. I'm just cold.." That was the worst lie ever. Finally the doors to the elevator open. As I lead off the elevator, Justin puts his hand at the small of my back. I instantly get the chills at his touch. I guess he actually believed my lie about being cold because he lays he jacket over my shoulders. Once again, I blush. He leads me to his black Porsche and opens the door for me. "I apologize for not driving one of my more extravagant cars this evening, I didn't think I'd be going out tonight." What the hell? How many cars does he have and how is this not extravagant enough?! 

We drive for about 20 minutes before I finally ask him where we're going. 

"Justin... I'm mean Mr.Bieber-"

"Justin. You may call me Justin. Only outside of the office, though. I'd prefer to keep our relationship as professional as possible."

Shit. Well there goes my chances of getting in his bed... Why is he even taking me out for drinks if our relationship is strictly business? I accidently sigh out loud. Crap, I hope he didn't hear that. 

"Where are we going? We've passed several bars, clubs, and restaurants...?"

"I'm taking you to one of the finest bars in town. Alexandra, I am one of the world's richest men, I can't go to just any bar or club."  I roll my eyes at his remark. I hate cocky men like him. 

"Yes well I am not one of the world's richest women so how do you suppose I pay for myself."

"I don't. I offered to take you out, I insist on paying. I knew that if I took you somewhere else, you'd want to pay for yourself. I am a true gentleman, Alexandra."



"I like to be called Alex."

"Like I said, Alexandra, I expect our relationship to stay professional, I don't like to use nicknames."

I loudly sigh. He used my full name again on purpose. The next 20 minutes remained silent. Once we finally pulled into the parking lot, he came around and opened my door before handing his keys to the valet. I roll my eyes again. He can't even park his own car? 

He places his hand on my back as we walk in the door. Before we actually get inside the building, someone shouts behind us, "Mr. Bieber who's your new girl?!" In a nanosecond, we were completely surrounded by several papparazi snapping pictures and yelling in my face. The closer they got, the harder it was to breathe. Justin pulled me closely to his side and pulled me through the door. I'm guessing this bar is pretty exclusive because they didn't allow those picture maniacs inside. Justin leaned into my ear and whispered, "Now you see why I couldn't just take you anywhere." I instantly shiver as his warm breath touched my ear. I didn't even focus on his words I just nod. As we walk over to the bartender, all eyes are on Justin and me. I look at all of them awkwardly. I'm sure they're wonder how a girl like me could be with a man like Justin. The bartender was a tall brunette with boobs larger than watermelons. Surely she knows she can all tell they are fake. I roll my eyes for the hundredth time tonight. Justin didn't even tell her what he wanted, she just instantly brought us two drinks. He nods at her and she winks and walks away. And once again... I roll my eyes. 

"I take it you come here often. She already knew what you wanted to drink."

"Indeed she did. And actually, I don't go out for personal endeavors often, but Ian usually comes here to pick up my liquor."


"One of my house employees."

"One of?"

"Yes. I have several. Maids, chauffeurs, chefs-"

"I get it..." I roll my eyes at his arrogance.

"You know, Miss Reed, it isn't very polite to roll your eyes."

His comment only made me want to roll my eyes again, but I didn't. Upon seeing my fight to not roll my eyes, he chuckled at me. I scowl at him and he bites his lip to hold back his laugh, which makes my scowl harder. We finish our drinks and make our way to the door. This evening didn't exactly go as I thought it would. I figured he'd take me to some hot club, get me drunk, dance with me, take me back to his place, and we'd wake up in the morning and remember nothing. It isn't exactly the most romantic thing ever, but it's what I expected from a man like Justin. However, he's not what I expected at all. One minutes he's a gentlemen, then the next he's an arrogant ass talking about how much money he has. I mean was he really bragging though? I mean, he was just telling me about his life. And after all, he did take me to an expensive bar and buy me a drink. No, Alex. Don't defend him. Once the valet pulls the car up, Justin opens the door for me. I half smile and nod to say thank you.

"Where do you live, I'll take you home?"

"Actually, my car is still at WSP... BPC... or whatever. Can you take me back there?"

"Alexandra... you drank tonight, I don't want you to drive. I'm just going to drive all over town until you tell me where you live."

"You drank too?"

"I drink strong drinks like that very often, Miss Reed. Considering your surprise to my choice of bar tonight, I don't think you've had alcohol this strong before. Now tell me where you live before I get frustrated, Alexandra."

My eyes go wide and my jaw hits the floor. He just practically yelled at me for wanting to drive my car back to my house?! I tell him my address. It was probably no surprise to him that I live in such a small apartment building on the run down part of the city. He doesn't say anything though. As I step out of the car, I stumble and almost fall on my face, but of couse Justin was right there to catch me.

"Damn it, Alexandra. Be more careful."

"Sorry." I mumble quietly as a start walking to the staircase of my apartment building. I notice him following behind me... I stop and turn on my heels.

"What are you doing..?"

"I'm walking you to your apartment. What does it look like?"

"You don't have to do that. I'm pretty sure I can walk a few flights of stairs alone."

"Don't have a smart mouth, Alexandra. It's late, and this doesn't exactly look like the safest place to be at night."

"We can't all live in mansions, Mr. Bieber..."

"You know what I mean, Alexandra. I just want to make sure you get home safetly..."

I sigh and roll my eyes. I start up the staircase. Of course as soon as my foot hits the third freaking step, I slip and fall backwards. Once again, caught and saved by Justin. I expected him to say I told you so, but instead he just helps me back up and chuckles to himself. Asshole. I think he was right how those strong drinks, because my legs feel weaker with every step I take. I can't help but want to just fall over so he'll carry me up the rest of the way.

We finally make it to my apartment and I stop at the door. Surely he isn't going to walk me in too. Just in case, I don't open the door yet. We stand in silence staring at each other and then at the floor and then back at each other. It was extremely awkward and seemed to last forever and ever. Until finally I spoke up and broke the never ending silence.

"Thank you... for tonight. You know, the drinks, the ride, and yeah."

"It was my pleasure, Alexandra. I assume I'll be picking you up in the morning considering your car is still at BPC."

Crap. I didn't even think about that. Darn it Alex. Why didn't you think about that before you agreed to go get drinks with him... I didn't even give him an answer so I guess he figured that was a yes. As I was about to put my key into the door, Justin gentlly reached for my hand. Oh my gosh. Is he going to kiss me? He scrunched his brows and stared into my eyes, then to my lips, and quickly back up. He then slowly brought my hand to his lips and carefully kissed my knuckles. Damn it Justin. He got my heart racing a million mph for a kiss on the hand?! He nodded and descended back down the staircase. I quickly got inside and ran to Lauren's room. Of course she's already sleep. Of course all she does is sleep and eat so I don't know why I expected anything different.

"Lauren... get up!!!" I threw a pillow at her head and she jumped up.

"What A?! Why are you bitching at me?! It's after midnight!" I gave her that 'duh' look and she jumped out of bed. "OH MY GOSH, ALEX! IT'S AFTER MIDNIGHT! DID YOU JUST HAVE SEX?!"

"Sh sh sh keep your voice down you idiot!" I laugh at her as she sits on the bed like an excited little toddler waiting to hear a bedtime story. "No, I did not have sex. Buuuuuuuuut, I did go out for drinks with someone..."

"What the hell, A?! You went on a date? You? Alexandra Reed? On a date?"

"You make it sound impossible! But it wasn't even a date... I went out to drinks with my boss."

"Ew, that Blake guy?"

"No, someone bought the company..."


"Justin Bieber." I murmured quietly hoping she wouldn't make a big deal. 

"Justin Bieber?!?! The world's richest and hottest man... The man that has been on the cover of countless magazines and has been running his own multi-million dollar company since he was 20? That Justin Bieber?!"

"So I take it you know him.." I roll my eyes as she continues to go on and on about how dreamy he is. Like I don't already know how perfect he looks. But he and I have no chance. Because our relationship is strictly business... 

Once Lauren practically talked herself back to sleep, I sluggishly walked to my room. I stripped out of my outfit and slipped into a large t-shrt. Nothing beats the feeling of taking off my work clothes and makeup at the end of the day. I barely make it to my bed before I just plop down face-first onto the pillow. It just hit me that I haven't checked my phone since this morning at work. I reach over and grab it off the dresser. I only have one email and it's from an unknown address.

To: Alexandra Reed
From: Unknown

Tonight was a pleasant evening. I look forward to seeing you in the morning. I will pick you up at 7:00 sharp. Please be on time, Miss Reed. 

Justin Bieber
CEO, Bieber Publishing and Corporations

I sigh... 7:00 is really early. I usually don't leave for work until 8:30.

To: Justin Bieber
From: Alexandra Reed

Thank you again for tonight. And 7:00?! That's a little early don't you think?


With it being so late, I didn't expect a reply. However, he replied within 5 minutes.

To: Alexandra Reed
From: Justin Bieber

Please Alexandra, do not sign your emails with your nickname. You know I prefer to use your full name. It is more professional. In regards to work tomorrow, I like to be at work an hour before any other employee. It helps me get a few more things done early in the morning with no distractions. Also, if you would go to bed, you may actually get some sleep and 7:00 wouldn't seem so early. Go to bed Miss Reed. I will see you first thing in the morning.

Justin Bieber
CEO, Bieber Publishing and Corporations

What does he think he's doing? Telling me, an adult, to go to bed? I roll my eyes at the thought of taking orders from him from now on.

To: Justin Bieber
From: Alexandra Reed

You are not my father, Mr. Bieber. You can give me orders at work but not at my own home. Especially in regards to what time I go to bed. I will see you in the morning. I look forward to it. Goodnight, Mr. Bieber.

Alexandra Reed
Personal Assistant to Justin Bieber, BPC

And with that, I shut my phone off and went to bed. Not because he told me to, though... It seems to be a lot easier to talk back to him though an email verses face to face. However, I feel like I'll be paying for my smart mouth comment sonner or later... But until then, I'll go to sleep and try to think of something other than tonight. Although, that seems like it's going to be hard to do.

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