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Chapter 2: Hunters (unedited)

  I walked around the city looking for a hill high enough to look over the town. When I found it I ran as fast as I could, i missed running like this, the wind flowing through your hair the adrenaline in your veins, watching as you pass cars that should be passing you, I pushed off as hard as I could, going faster and faster with every step I took. It felt amazing.

I reached the top, the shack was easy to spot, I honestly expected it to be a run down fixer upper but it actually looked really nice. If he was a werewolf he would of heard me from a mile away so I waited to see if he'd come out.

I was leaning up against the tree closet to his house when he started to open the door and walk out and holy Mother Of freakin werewolves this man is a on a whole knew level of hotness, he better be the alpha because I want to be able to look at him every second of the day! Okay that's a little.... alot, exsecive but still Woah!

I was too busy staring at him too realise that he was coming at me... to kill me.

He came at me thinking I was human so his first move was to scratch me thinking I'd bleed out but you guys already know I'm not no weak fragile human.

I grabbed his hand before he could claw me, I kicked him right in the stomach making him fly backwards and land flat on his back. I walked towards him and roared showing my icey blue eyes and my long sharp teeth. I didn't fully turn because well.... no one likes a hairy woman.

He scrambled to his feet in shock and prepared himself for a fight, as did I.

He roared back showing his blood red alpha eyes, and his slightly longer and sharper teeth.

The fight is on.

In training I was told to first play defense to learn how your attacker fights and as instinct that's what I did. He swung first right I dodged then left I dodged again. He kicked I grabbed his foot and slammed him against a tree. He was slow, I could tell just by the way he fought he thought he was stronger then your average alpha but he wasn't, which meant he was full of himself mainly his strength.

Now it's time for offense.

I ran up to him, twisted his arm back and kneed him in the gut, I held on to his arm so I could punch him repeatedly in the face. I stepped back and kicked him in the face. He flew in the air, his back hit a branch on a tree and his face smacked the ground. He started picking himself back up.

"Okay that's enough I obviously came here for a reason and if that reason was to kill and take your power well you'd be dead."

"I was going easy" excuses excuses "but since you insist I will spare your life and we will talk." I rolled my eyes.

"I want in your pack, I left my pack about 3 years ago so technically I'm an omega, I would kill you and become alpha be I have zero leadership skills, I take orders.... If I like them, not give them." I explain to him.

"And what makes you think a strong alpha such as myself" he stepped closer to me, " would need a new beta?"

"Because you're not strong. You only have one beta. " I stepped closer to him, "And and that one beta doesn't even want to be in your pack, and trust me you'll want me in your pack once you find out who I am, either that or you'll run and hide like a scared little bitch." I stepped even closer trying my best to intimidate him, and it worked because he said,

"Fine meet me here tomorrow, we'll talk more." He started to walk away. "and I had two beta's now three by the way."

"Oh my god three betas that's so much." I rolled my eyes and scoffed then ran away.


Its time for school! Wow that sounds terrible. I am going to go talk to who i assume is Damon's other beta. Who I also assume doesn't want to be apart of his pack either.

I again walked through the two blue doors but this time I wasn't nervous and no one was staring, in fact I had the nerve to confront a girl currently bulling a boy. And I did it in the most bitchiest of ways, I walked up to her ripped her back pack out off her shoulders,

"So you're the school bully huh? Well I gotta say you're not very good at it." She reached for her bag but I was taller, her back up girls just took out their phones and recorded which is exactly what I hoped they'd do.

"Let's see what we got in here." I started pulling out random objects until I found her wallet.

"Oh look! A twenty dollar bill." I dropped her bag. And slowly ripped the bill. Then I held both sides in my hands looked at it and said,

"Huh? Now it's useless just. Like. You." I "booped" her nose while her jaw dropped both in shock and in irritation. Then I flung the money back, grinned and strutted forward to class. I heard whispers well I could hear exactly what they were saying but I just ignored them and continued to be a boss.


I walked into the woods to meet up with the other beta, Justin. I sat on a rock and waited an hour before I gave up and started to walk away, but I decided to give it one last go so I closed my eyes and focused my hearing but this time instead of birds and deer I heard panting and a heart racing, then I heard about 12 other hearts, slow and cautious, they were skilled, they were hunters, they were werewolf hunters and I'm at the top of their kill list.

The panting was getting louder, I opened my eyes and saw Justin running towards me, he stopped and looked at me wide eyed.

"These people.... We gotta go, they're trying to kill me!" He pointed back in their direction.

"No" I exhaled. "They're trying to kill me."


Authors notes:

I hope this chapter was a bit more exciting, and I'm sorry if it seemed a bit stupid or cliche or if I forgot to add words or misspelled any words I literally wrote this whole chapter in about 2 hours starting at 12:03 am and ending 2:43 am so I'm exhausted. Remember to vote and comment any advice or tips. I'm always open to new ideas.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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