Chapter 8

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A/N: Here we go!

I woke up to a very dim, lit room. Everything was a blur to me as I tried to refocus my eyes to see my surroundings.

"H-hello?", I said groggily. I'm not sure of how long I've been out for, but I hope to the heavens it wasn't long for the rest to worry about.

Who am I kidding? They're probably looking for me since I've been taken away!

Suddenly I hear foot steps coming down a hall. It stopped in front of the door of the room I was in. The doorknob slowly turned, and the door was pushed open with much force that it almost broke off.

"Ah.. I guess you're wondering why you're here in such a place, eh? To answer your question, you're very valuable to a mafia that we are prone to take down soon. And since we couldn't trap them with just anything, we took what was most precious to them. We've been stalking you (Y/N). For quite a while." The guy said as he walked through the door and pulled up a chair, only to sit in front of me.

I couldn't believe such a twisted, creepy ass man, as himself, thinking that it's okay to just kidnap me when all I wanted to do is go home and sleep..

"You're a sick sick, disgusting person! Trust me when I say this, they will look for me and when they do and find me, you're all going to die!" I was livid. I wanted to slap the guy so hard in his face that I hoped it'll fly off and go into poisoned mud!

He got up and grabbed my hair tightly. I winced in pain but I didn't show any fear, for it will seem as if I'm a coward.

"You're lucky I didn't just kill you from the start. Now be a good girl and stay quiet!" He said as he brought out the rag again and put it on my nose.

Luckily, I held my breath before he couldn't even land it on my face and pretended to get knocked out. I waited and waited for him to leave so I can plan my way to get out of this place in one piece.

As he got up and left I peeked slowly through my eyes. Opening them, I started to plan my escape.

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(3rd Pov)

"Where the hell could she have gone to?!" Levi screamed as he paced back and forth, full of anxiety.

Hanji and Eren stood there looking down, ashamed that they didn't walk home with me. Levi was swearing up and down, scolding the two for not taking no for an answer to walk you home.

"I'm going to have to call our team to get her back. We cannot lose her now. We must protect her at all cost." Levi said as he rushed to his desk and began to get a few supplies.

Soon they all began to suit up and packed what they needed. Levi, Hanji, and Eren all walked out the door to go get the others: Marco, Jean, Sasha, Armin, and Connie.

"If it's war they want, then it's war they'll get".

(Your Pov)

It's been almost a week that had past and the torture was unbearable. They dunked me in water multiple times, causing me to lose air. They punched me in the stomach multiple times. They even had the audacity to strip me almost naked!

As I sit in the chair losing hope, I hear a loud explosion go off above me.

"What the hell..?!", I said as I got up from the chair and ran to the door. It wouldn't open, go figure. I tried to find a pin of some sort that I can pick the lock with for me to get out of here.

There was no use since I was in a room with only a stupid chair and dirt around me basically. I laid on the floor, hoping that whatever it was, it killed that bastard who kidnapped me. More explosions were going off then I heard guns being shot.

That doesn't seem right.

I sat up in hope that they come down here. "HELP HELP IM DOWN HERE PLEASE HELP ME!!", I screamed as I banged on the door.

I didn't stop until they heard me. Suddenly, the door swung open and in front of me was the person who I thought I'd never see.

It was Levi and Eren

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It was Levi and Eren. Levi was wearing a black, button up dress shirt with a white vest, along with a grey and black striped tie, which went along with the black dress up pants.

Eren was wearing a blue, buttoned up dress shirt that was underneath a black coat and dress up pants.

I couldn't stop looking at Levi and soon I felt my face heating up.

"Tch, damn brat you had me worried!", Levi said as he picked me up bridal style and took me upstairs as Eren followed behind.

"T-thank you for saving me. All of you. I'm sorry that I caused you this much trouble", I said as I hung onto Levi crying quietly.

"I-it's okay (Y/N)! Besides me and Hanji should apologize for not going with you even when you said no. Wonderland is a deadly and dangerous place you know." Eren said as he began fiddling with his tail walking beside me and Levi.

"We'll talk about this when we get home. For now you need to rest (Y/N). Sleep until we get there. It's gonna be a while." Levi said as he walked out the house and put me in the back of a car. I then fell asleep, forgetting all that surrounded me. (Like those back in the day ole cars. Not the new and improved ones.)


(Levi's POV)

"Alright everyone lets all go back to my place. It seems we need to have a meeting", I said as we were all gathered around the car (Y/N) was in.

This damn brat had me worried sick. I'm just glad I saved her on time. If I didn't, who knows what could've happen.

Everyone went into their car as Eren and Hanji rode with me in mine. I sat in the back with (Y/N) and let Eren drive since Hanji can't even stay in the correct lane without being distracted. I soon drifted off to sleep with silence filling the car.


A:N) WOW. I'm pooped but I shall update every night that's possible. Maybe even two times per day. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the story. There's more coming! Bye my lovely reader-chans!!!!

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