James & Lily

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"Hey baby, are you okay? It sounds like you're crying."

"James I need you," Lily spoke softly into the phone, trying to calm herself down.

"Hey hey, it's okay lils. What's wrong? Where are you?"

"I-I'm on the corner outside my house. James, I don't want to be here," Lily cried, not trying to stop the tears from falling anymore.

"Shh, baby, calm down. It's okay, everything's going to be okay. I'm going to come get you, okay?" James whispered soothingly into the phone.

"P-Please hurry. J-James."

"Shh, it's okay. I'm on my way."

. . .

James left his house in a hurry, his parents and Sirius continuously asking him what was wrong and if he was okay as they walked, almost ran, down the long driveway. James ignored them, continuing to try to soothe Lily from over the phone while pulling a picture of her house into his mind.

Once he had it in mind he told Lily that he would be right there before hanging up his phone and quickly apparating to the brick house of Number Four, Privet Drive.

"Lily," James called out, running toward his frantically crying fiancée. "Hey baby, it's okay. I'm here, it's okay." He pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly against him while placing multiple kisses on her hair and around her face.

"Shh," James soothed gently, still keep a firm grip around her.

"James," Lily softly sobbed, holding onto him tightly. Her hands clutched the back of his shirt, balling it up. "James t-take me a-away please. P-Please take me a-away."

"Anything you want, baby. Anything you want." James reached over with his wand and spelled her luggage to his house. When that was done he held her to him tighter and apparated them both to his house where Sirius and both his parents were still waiting outside for him to return.

When Sirius had seen Lily's things appear out of nowhere he knew what had happened and quietly whispered to Mr and Mrs Potter about the sight they were probably about to witness.

As predicted, James soon showed up with a tear-stained Lily held in his arms. He sent his parents a 'questions later' look and proceeded to carry Lily up to his room. Sirius followed behind them with Lily's things after sending a quick text to his boyfriend to let him know what had just happened to their Lily-flower.

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