Chapter Two

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Carter won, just as Kaitlyn had hoped. “Yes!” she screamed, jumping up and down. She hugged T-Man tightly then ran over to her boyfriend, who was getting out of his car. She jumped at him and wrapped her legs around his waist, kissing him full on the mouth.

“Well, this is surprising,” Carter whispered after breaking the kiss. “I don’t think I’ve seen you like this in a long time.”

Kaitlyn shrugged happily. “I’m proud of you,” she said. “And I just wanted to let all those girls know who you belong to.”

Carter smirked and she climbed down from around his waist.

“I almost forgot,” he said wonderingly. “I won, so I get all of the girls now.”

She snorted. “Like you’d ever forget that little detail, Carter.”

She grabbed his hand and walked over to T-Man, who was busy trying to control the angry losers of the race.

“T-Man, can we grab the loot and go?” she asked casually. The other racers growled at her use of the term ‘loot’.

“Yeah, Katie, in a sec. I’ll take you home in my car,” he replied.

“No, she can come home with me,” a deep, accented voice announced.

“Not fucking likely,” Carter growled. “She’s mine, not yours.”

Kaitlyn turned around, only to see Carter scowling at Marcus, and Marcus casually leaning against his car and smiling. He looked like he didn’t care that he’d just lost his piece of arm candy to his rival.

“Oh, but she is,” Marcus replied easily. “You see, unlike you, I actually pay attention to her. When we were together, I paid attention to her, and didn’t even look at another girl. Unlike you.”

Carter was unconsciously clenching his hands tighter and tighter, until Kaitlyn was forced to unclench them for him.

“Relax,” she said. “He’s just winding you up.”

Marcus sighed. “I really wish that were true, but for the first few days, you complained non-stop about this douchebag, and how he wasn’t a good boyfriend. He made you cry, you said.”

“Shut it, Marcus,” she snapped. “My life is none of your business.”

“And yet Carter is so willing to cheat on you…”

She saw red at that. Angrily, she launched herself at Marcus and slapped him, leaving a hard red handprint clearly outlined on his cheek.

“Wow,” T-Man said, his mouth gaping. “And I thought the guys had it bad. You have some real anger issues, Katie.”

“Sorry,” she said tiredly. “I just get sick of him and his snobby comments. I’m so over it.”

He shook his head. “Whatever. I’ll take you home. Carter, enjoy your loot.”

Carter wouldn’t even look at Kaitlyn as he walked over to his car. He was brooding. He wouldn’t tell anyone, but the things Marcus had implied were true. Carter only paid attention to Kaitlyn when he wanted something.

She deserved better than that.

“So, this is awkward, huh?” T-Man asked Kaitlyn as they were cruising along the South Auckland streets.

“Really? Hadn’t noticed.”  She really was overdoing the sarcasm tonight.

T-Man laughed. “Sorry. So are you going back to Carter’s place tonight?”

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