We finished eating breakfast and the boys went back to thier hotel. "YOU AND LOUIS SHOULD DATE!" i yelled from the bathroom. "OH SHUT UP! YOU AND HARRY SHOULD DATE!" Faith yelled from her room. "OH GIRL IM WORKING ON IT!" I heard a little laugh. "WELL YOU GOTTA WORK HARDER!" I laughed. oh, i love my best friend.
I got out of shower, My hair wrapped around the towel. I quickly put on and underwear and bra. Then I went to my suitcase and grabbed a pair of jeans,dark wash. the I grabbed a baggy plain white shirt and a necklace. A medium length necklacewith an anchor. Then i grabbed my black beanie and went inside the bathroom and put on Mascara and Eyeliner.Then i blowed dry my hair and straighten it. I put on my beanie and put some pins to make sure it's not going to fall.
I walked out of my room and saw faith in a white skinny jeans,black flats and black tight shirt and a whitish grayish cardigan. and her hair in a messy bun. And there I was looking like a potato.
"ready?" she asked. "yeaa..! you have your money?" "yuuppp!" she replied popping the 'P' "alright, no lets just wait for the boys. only 5 more---" before I could even finish, there was a knock on the door. Me and Faith looked at each other and smiled like idiots. "wait. let me fangirl." I said. "okk!" I started jumping up and down, whispering to my self 'OMGOMG! OMG OMG! ONE DIRECTION!' I calmed my self and walked over to Faith. She opened the door and my ovaries are now gone. They all looked so damn beautiful. Words can't even explain how beautiful they look.
"Hello Ladies.!" Liam said. "hello!"Faith and I said. "are you guys ready?" Asked Nialler. "yupp." I said, popping the 'P'. i dont know bro, i just love doing that. "alright lets go." Louis said putting an arms arounf Faith's shoulder. I smiled at them and thought to my self, they would make really cute couple. I clesed the door and locked it. I took a deep breath and said to though, WOW! THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!
We got at the lobby and fans and paps are everywhere. "wooooww" Me and Faith said. The boys looked at us and just smiled. Harry held my hand and i looked at him and he just smiled. I saw Louis' arm around Faith's waist. D'aaawww