Chapter 1

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  I opened my eyes, immediately blinded by bright lights. My eyes adjusted and I realized I was laying in a lab room of the Ministry of science. My gaze fell to the right of me, first seeing my best friend, Astro, then Dr. O'Shay beside him, both sympathetically peering down at me.

  "Astro," only a cracked whisper escaped my lips. I was glad to see him beside me, feeling him holding tightly onto my hand. A subtle smile held onto his face, mixed with concern. I wondered why they were looking at me the way they did, because no recallection of what happened before now came to mind.

I gently pulled my hand away from his grasp and used it to prop my self up, only to result in a sharp pain throughout my body.

As I winced I heard Dr. O'Shay's alarmed voice. "Uh, you should..try and stay down for a while.."

   Astro helped me lay back down, but as I did, I noticed my left arm, both my legs, and most of my torso is numb, and unable to move.

  I peered up at both of them. "What happened? Why can't I move?" My voice croaked from the lack of speaking for what I'm guessing a long while.

  "Oh, that's right. I forogt to connect the nerves to your-" The Doctor mumbled then cleared his throat. "I mean, well-uh- we had to make some modifications to your body...It was the only chance for your survival." He said while nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

  I held up my left arm in front of my face with my real hand. It felt metallic and cold. "So I'm...part robot?"

  "Yes," the doctor was hesitant on speaking. I assumed he's nervous about how I would react to all of this. Honestly, I wasn't sure what to think of it yet.

  Before I could ask anymore questions, he spoke up again and said, "Astro, why don't we take her home for a while and have her rest".

   Astro didn't hesitate to reach over the table, grabbing my legs and bracing my back.

  O'Shay turned to a desk and started collecting his things. "I'll grab the nessasary tools and-" He turned back to find that Astro had already picked me up and carried me out of the ministry. Chuckling, he grabbed his essentials, and left as well.

  Astro walked out of the Ministry, carrying me in his arms. He jumped and activated his rocket boots, which I was severly unprepared for. I held onto him as tightly as humanly and robotly possible.

  We finally made it home, beating Dr. O'Shay in his flying vehicle. As soon as we enetered the house, Zoran was there to greet us.

  "Oh my gosh!! You're finally awake!!!" She jumped around with joy as Astro slowly set me down onto the couch. I wasn't used to my robot parts yet. They were still uncontrollable, so I had trouble sitting up correctly.

  "Hey, Zoran! Exactly how long have I been out for?"

  "Well," Astro started, growing a more solemn attitude, "After what happened, it took a while for them to figure out exactly how to replace some of you with robot parts. Then there was making the parts and connecting them...and the whole time you were being kept alive by machines."

  "So then...what caused this to happen to me-"

  "Don't worry! We'll take care of you until you're all better!" Zoran interrupted me with a sweet hug.

  Dr. O'shay entered the house and set some things down on the table.
"Well I'm glad to see you've made it back safely," He teased. "(Y/N), you'd better get rest. Once you're feeling better I can connect your nerves with the robotic parts of your body."

  "Why do I have to wait?" I said, still feeling a little weak.

  "Well...It can be a litte painful," He said with a concerning tone. "I would'nt want to put that much on you in your current condition."

  "Aright, then." The thought of it almost gave me shivers. I decided to forget about it and just enjoy being alive from whatever happened to me before all this.

  Eventually, Zoran and O'Shay was off to do their own things. Astro sat on the other side of the couch and watched T.V. I found myself dozing off and collapsed onto my side, asleep.

A Second Chance (Astro boy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now