Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


I wake up to the sound of two birds chirping together in chorus, I watch them as they flew away, until completely out of sight.

I rush down the stairs to make Elsa a nice breakfast, after yesterday, I kinda felt like a big jerk, because this whole time Elsa has been trying to help me, but all I ever gave her was more of my problems to solve.

The kitchen was empty, not a spot on the counter, all the cabinets and drawers were completely closed tight, and Elsa was nowhere to be found.

“Elsa? Where are you?”

I shout, the sound of my voice echoed throughout the kitchen, up the stairs and into the living room.

Hmph, looks like she’s not here.

I think, so I just set up a box of cereal, a bowl, and a silver spoon.

I eat the cereal quietly, wondering where Elsa could’ve gone at this time of the day.

Damn, I give up!

I shout in my head, I give up thinking of where se would’ve gone to.

I decide to just study to get into a nice school, summer won’t forever, so it’s time I try to learn a little this year.

Elsa always gets in top-notch schools on scholarship. Not that I’m saying that I don’t, I just don’t get into top-notch schools like Elsa.

I was still reading my math book when Elsa skips into the living with a leash in her hand, I can’t see what(or who) was at the other end of the leash Elsa was holding. I lift my head up and see Elsa grinning at me.

“Do you like him?”

She asks, excited to hear the answer.


I ask, shifting uncomfortably.


She says, as she steps aside and reveals a short, cute-looking snowman.

“He’s… a snowman.”

I point out, Elsa nods.

“I made him… and he even has his own little flurry so he won’t melt.”

She starts.

“Because I figured that you need some cheering up to do.”

She continued,

“So I made him!”

      She giggles.

“Isn’t that amazing?”

She grins, taking the leash off of Olaf.

“Hi! I’m Olaf and I like warm hugs!”

He happily says. My mind went blank, I didn’t know what I was thinking of, but I knew that I had a shocked face plastered on.

“He can talk?”

I ask uncomfortably, as I jerk my hand towards my math book and slowly closes it.


Elsa says casually. I stand up, pick up the snowman carefully and carry him to the living room.

This is so awesome… he’s like a pet. And he’s not even squirming… he’s just sitting in my arms and looking around the living room.

I think, as I watch Olaf trying to use the remote to turn on the TV.

“By the way, I got us into a top-notch school.”

Elsa states, looking at the snowman as he presses all the buttons in the room he could lay his hands on.


I ask, looking up.

“Yeah, would I lie to you?”

Elsa says, picking the remote which Olaf already had no interest in.

“Called… Disney High.”

Author’s note:

I know, major cliff hanger… but don’t worry, I’m always updated! (Spoiler: in the next chapter… Elsa meets Jack Frost.)

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