chapter 4

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The next day:
Erikas POV: I wake up from jakes bed and see that he was sleeping on the floor and didnt have a blanket so i gave him one of mine. I walked down stairs to start to make breakfast for everyone. Tessa came downstairs to help.
Tessa: So erika i saw that you and jake have been flirting a lot lately.
Erika: no we havent been flirting. We are just good friends.
Tessa: you guys were playing in the water yesterday like a couple would and you fell asleep on his chest.
Erika: Okay finr i do kinds like him but i dont know if he likes me back.
Tessa: oh he definitely does. Do you see yhe way he looks at you.
Erika: okay thanks T

Jakes POV: I woke up and smelled something really good. I got dressed and started to walkdown the stairs when i heard Erika and Tessa talking. O heard Erika say that she likes me. When i heard that i got the biggest smile on my face. I really like her.

Jake: Hey Kade good morning.
Kade: Good morning Jake
Jake: so this morning i heard erika say that she likes me.
Kade: yeah i kinda figured you guys liked each other
Jake:what should i do.
Kade: tell her you like her. Talk to her alone.
Jake: okay thanks Kade. Dont tell anyone i told you this.
Kade: okay

Jake: Hey Erika. Hey Tessa.
Erika and Tessa: Hey Jake goodmorning.
Erika: Im going on my morning run. I will be back in 20 minutes.
Tessa: okay bye Rick.
Jake: Do you mind if I join you?
Erika: No i dont mind.
Jake: After the run do you want to go to disney with me.
Erika: yeah sure.

They go on their run. After the run the take a shower and drive to disney.
*in the car

Jake: So Erika I was wondering if you would like to see a movie with me sometime.
Erika: Like a date? (she blushes)
Jake:only if you want it to be one.
Erika: That sounds like fun, Im in.
Jake: Okay how about tonight.
Erika: Tonight is perfects.

They spend time together at disneu.

*at home
Erikas POV: omg i cant believe Jake actually asked me out.

When Jake and Erika walked in the house Tessa could see that Erika was smiling from ear to ear.

Tessa: Hey guys whats up.
Jake: nothing really what are you doing today
Tessa: filming a video with chanthony and Martinez.
Erika: Cool do you need any help.
Tessa: No
Jake: okay well im just gonna take a nap since i have nothing to do today.
Tessa: okay bye jake.

Tessa and erika talking

Tessa: so eriak how was hanging woth jake today.
Erika: omg i had so much fun. Dont tell anyone but we are going to the movies tonight.
Tessa: omg Rick have fun anc be good😉
Erika: i will thanks.

At the movies
Jake: This is a really good movie thanks for coming with me.
Erika: your welcome. I have had so much fun with you lately.
Jake: me too.
Jake stares into Erikas eyes and kisses her. Erika kisses back.

Jake: Erika will you be my girlfriend?
Erika:omg yes Jake i would love to.

They go home and go to sleep but this time they sleep in the same bed. Erika sleeps with her head on Jakes chest and Jake holds Erika the entire night.

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