Chapter 1

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"It's gonna be okay," Jimin whispered to himself as he walked inside the huge campus of Seoul University.

He saw girls and boys everywhere walking and some talking to each other, everyone looking cold and unfriendly. He could feel their judgmental stares on himself or was he just imagining them...

Jimin's hands got tighter around the piece of paper he was holding that had details about his dormitory but he couldn't find the building even if his life depended on it.

He wanted to approach one of the students asking them about the dorms but he was nervous and insecure about his Korean and was sure he would mumble out something he wasn't supposed to say.

Of course, being born in San Francisco he mostly used English to converse except for when he was home because his parents had insisted on him being proud of his heritage and taught him Korean which included expensive Korean language school every Sunday. While most of his peers were busy doing nothing on Sundays, Jimin was busy perfecting his Hangul.

But even all that hard work didn't really help him being nervous about talking in Korean. It felt like he had forgotten everything that he had learned until that day.

Jimin sighed as he looked around. He had to approach someone. He saw a short girl talking to someone, giggling a little. She seemed friendly enough to Jimin for some reason.

Jimin walked up to her when he suddenly found himself right on the ground as he bumped into someone and landed right on his butt.

"Oh my god," he heard a voice. It was a boy.

He felt a pair of hands snake around his waist and someone helping him up. Jimin looked up to see a boy wearing glasses with blonde hair, his forehead creased in worry.

"Are you okay?" the boy asked.

For some reason, Jimin felt his mouth was as dry as sawdust. He couldn't seem to speak as he looked up to the seemingly good looking boy staring back at him.

"Are you okay?" the boy asked raising his voice.

Jimin snapped out of his trance blinking rapidly.

"I...I am fine," Jimin said his voice sounding hoarse.

"Are you sure?"

Jimin nodded very aware of the fact that the boy's hands were still wrapped around his waist and that a small crowd had gathered looking at them.

"Uh, yeah," Jimin said.

"I am sorry," the boy said. "I wasn't looking"

"It's...its fine," Jimin said with a faint smile.

The boy gave him a much bigger smile and little dimples appeared on his cheeks making Jimin's heart flutter.

Jimin felt the boy let go of his waist and he could feel himself being disappointed before he bent down and picked up a paper.

"Is this yours?"

It was the paper with the details of Jimin's dormitory.

"Oh yeah," Jimin said taking the paper. "Thank you"

The boy smiled again.

"I'll see you later then,"

Jimin nodded as the boy began walking when Jimin had an idea.

"Wait," he said.

"Yes," the boy said stopping.

"Would you...would you mind helping me find my dorm?"

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