Chapter 22

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Hello everyone,

I know it has been over a year since I updated. If anyone is even reading this fic anymore I would like to apologize for being so terrible at updating. No, I have not abandoned my fics.

This is no excuse but the previous year has been quite a ride for me. I started a new year in my course and I didn't anticipate how I would have no time left to write basically because I was always either in class or studying the past year or dealing with something personal. On top of that, I have multiple fics that needed updating and not just this particular one so I ended up neglecting writing even though I love writing so much simply because I couldn't make the time to write anymore and a lot of it is to blame to my terrible time managment.

And to make matters worse my laptop has stopped working and until I get a new one I write on my phone which takes too long.

All in all I'm sorry for such delays but I promise I will finish this fic. Thank you for reading! <3


Jimin looked at himself in the mirror. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days. The bags under his eyes had never be so prominent before.

He threw on a black T-shirt, running his hands through his hair for one last time.

Perfect, he thought as he stepped out and knocked on Taehyung’s door.

Baekhyun was the one who opened it.

“Jimin,” he grinned.

“Hey Taehyung,” Baekhyun said. “Jimin’s here”

“Coming,” Taehyung's muffled voice came and seconds later Taehyung came out.

He was dressed in a long white shirt tucked loosely in his jeans, long earrings dangling from his ears. It was a contrast from how Taehyung usually dressed.


“Hi,” Jimin said.

“You uh look great,” Jimin added as an afterthought.
A blush crept up on Taehyung’s face.

“You look really good too,”

“Thanks,” Jimin grinned.

“I’ll be back later,” Taehyung said.

“All right have fun,” Baekhyun said as they left.

“So um where should we go?”

“Anywhere where we can find something good to eat,” Jimin answered.

So they ended up at a local BBQ place.

Jimin couldn’t say no to BBQ if he even tried.
Taehyung was in charge of cooking and Jimin wasn’t complaining.

“So, how's life?” Jimin asked chewing on some meat.

“ know I am always studying,” Taehyung said with a sigh.

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