Chapter 12- Rescue...?

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~*~Hikaru POV~*~

Three Weeks...

...Three fucken weeks?!

"Damn it Kyoya!" I growled under my breath, "Did you find out where they're keeping Hanaki yet! It's been three weeks and we still can't find her, it's been long enough!"

The bispecaled asain boy glared up at me, a look on his face that clearly said. Shut up, I'm working!

Ihuffed, I know I was being impatient but who knows what could've happened to Hanaki by now. I miss her smiles, her laugh, her blush when I first kissed her, even the way she cutely glared at me when she was mad. Damn, I missed it all. Are you okay Hanaki? Where are you now? Do you miss me as much as I miss you?

I knew I was too young too love but how else am I suppose to explain this aching in my chest, I've liked things before but the way I feel for Hanaki, despite the short time I've known her and thinking that she was a guy for half of that time, it's on a whole n'other level.

"Hikaru... Are you okay?"

I glanced up at my brother and flashed him a small, half-hearted smile. "Yeah, as okay as I can be anyways."

My twin gave me a look, a mixture of understanding and confusion. Being twins as we are, we shared practically everything. So obviously Kaoru would understand... to a certain extent. He didn't love Hanaki the way I did so it was... confusing.

He gave me another worried look.

"I'm fine Kaoru, trust me."

Once again Music Room Three was returned to it's quietness, I glanced from side to side, wondering if there was something I could do. Cause frankly, all this waiting for Kyoya to get some clues was boring.


We all jumped up in surprise and glanced over at Kyoya who's hand quickly reached into his pocket at a blinding speed and not a second later he was holding the newest model of cell phones to his ear. "Hello... Yes, this is Kyoya... Really?"

I pushed through the crowd consisted of the host club members, ignoring Tamaki's ranting when I pushed past his and watched Kyoya's phone call wit intencity.

"...That's great news! Thanks you... No, that quiet all right... yes.... of course... The pay check will be at your house in a day... yes... thank you, and could you please send a fax of the data to my phone please... Thanks..... Have a nice day too Mr. Boxxa, good bye."

Kyoya hung up and abruptly stood up and faced us. A smirk was on his face as he eyed each and every one of us until his eyes landed and lingered on mine, "I know where Hanaki is."

~*~Hanaki POV~*~

"Haruka! Get back here and put some pants on!"

"NO WAY!" The bare bottomed little girl shouted sticking her tongue out at me. Geez, I know being stuck in this compound can be boring sometimes but she didn't have to cause this much trouble! I huffed and blew a loose strand of hair out of my face before struggling to my feet and chasing after my little sister, whom was running around the living room with no pants or underwear on.

I stifled a laugh when the door opened and some of Haruka's friend -they were children her age who where children of the people who worked for Haku and lived here- came walking into the room and caught sight of Haruka in all her naked glory.

"EEP! PERVERT!" My purplett younger sibling screeched when she saw that unfortunately the few of her friends who were at the door were male. They're eyes wide with shock as they took the sight of her in, I rolled my eyes. I guess that was my cue to jump in.

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