Chapter 2

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A/N : I own nothing but my OC's and the story line.
(location and time change)
☆¤☆¤☆¤☆¤☆¤☆¤☆¤☆¤☆¤☆¤☆¤☆¤☆¤☆¤☆¤☆ (Earlyer with Kai)      ~3rd P.O.V.~
      A group of teens, all in black and red with spikes and chains, were sitting on and around a picnic table. Marilyn Manson's song 'nobodys' could be heard through out the park, blaring. A male brunet teen about 4'9", who seemed to be the leader of the group, stood next to a 5'0" silver haired teen, talking to the group. He wore a black Manson band tee, Black skinny jeans with red and black chains on his left hip, black military combat boots, a black leather choker with a thin red chain, a spiked cuff on his right wrist that was partly covered by his black jean harley Davison jacket, he also had a sliver ring on his left pinky, and a black steel ring with blood red designs on his right middle finger. His name was Kai Fujioka.
~Kai's P.O.V. ~
    ".... Yeah, so like I was saying, in a bit Silver and I are gonna go get Haruhi and......." I seid but got cut off as I was thrown to the ground by an unknown attacker, as the asalint's partner grabbed Silver before he could get to me. I turned over to see who just slammed me to the ground, seeing the last person I wanted to see, it was Troy Kubota and his lacky Keith Fukushima, who was holding Silver back. ' Great, just Fucking great! Why did he of all pepole have to show up!?!? Damn it!!!!' I thought pissed off.
     "Well, well, well. Look what we have here Keith, it's the little slut and his little friends. I wonder should we give them a little private viewing, what do you think?" The light blue hair and red eyed teen sneared down at me. ' I don't like the sound of that!!!!' I thought, panicking, as I tryed to get back up. "Why yes, I think we should Troy. I'll make sure none of these freaks interfere. If they do, I'll slice 'em." Keith told him waving his switch blade, that he pulled out after shoving Silver to the rest of our friends, around in the air. Troy pinned me back down to the ground and unbuckles my pants befor le filling me over on my stomach unbuckling his pants as well. I struggled the entire time but that didn't seem to bother nor hinder him in the slightest, so I tried begging.
   "Troy please, you don't have to do this!!!!......" I begged, terrified, knowing that he was gonna rape me and make Silver and our friends watch as he did. "Aww, already begging, and I haven't even started yet. Kai, you know what, your right,... I don't have to do this......" he paused "I want to!!!" Troy mocked me as he started to pull both my pants and his own down. I quickly gve up on the pleading and started to struggle again, earning me a hard hit to the back of my head, disorienting me. ' oww, that fucking hurt!!' I thought.
     Then without warning or any kind of preperation, Troy slams into me. I scream bloody Fucking murder. It hurts like hell, but dispite my obvious pain he just started to thrust into me moaning, ignoring the blood running down my thighs. I screamed and screamed, but he didn't stop. I even begged, pleaded, and cryed, but he didn't listen. "You like this don't ya, you slut?!!" He taunted in my ear. "You see, since your sister isn't here we don't need anybody but myself and keith." He spoke just loud enough for my friends to hear, but it was hard for me to focaus, since I was in so much pain.
    Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Silver getting ready to attack Keith so he could save me. We locked eyes and I shake my head mouthing -stop, just go get Haruhi, she's in music room #3 just down the road. Hurry!!!- After that I quickly elbowed Troy, hitting him in the eye, which caused him to cry out in pain, making Keith look over at us. Troy was pissed. "YOU LITTLE BITCH!!!!" He yelled, hitting me hard over the back of my head agin, this time hard enough to make blood run down my face. While this was going on Silver took the chance to run without Keith noticing. Even through all this Troy never let up on rapping me.
     Once Troy finished getting his desires out, he pulled out of me, making me collapse in on myself. Troy fixed his jeans as Keith laghed at my pain. The look of horror on my friends faces made both of them histarical. Troy then kicked me hard in my ribs repeatedly. "You little bitch, this is what you get for helping him get away." He seid landing yet another hard kick this time to my head/face. 'God, why did these Fuckers have to be here?!? I just wanted to wait here with my friends before Silver and I go suprise Haru-Nee when she finished with her club!!' I thought as Troy grabbed may hair, pulling me up to face him before landing yet another hit to my gut, sending me back to the ground.
    "But guess what, you're all screwed, because your sis ain't here to save your ass!!" Troy taunted me, as he repeatedly kicked me, while Keith laghed uncontrollably. 'Just you wait you Mother Fuckers. Cause jokes on you, she's on her way with Silver. I just hope they get here soon.' I thought as he started to kick me harder causing me to cough up blood. Just as the world started to spin and blood poorer down my face and from my mouth, I spotted my salvation. It was Haruhi, Silver, and ....... THE HOST CLUB!?!?! 'What The Hell is the Host Club doing here?!?!?!?' I fought to say awake for as long as possible but I was getting dizzy and it was getting increasingly harder to see thrush my own blood. Lucky Troy hasn't noticed them nor has Keith.
     Troy continued to kick me harder, everywhere from my gut, ribs, and even my head/face. 'Damn, I think he's broken some of my ribs!!' I thought in pain as I watched the group walked through the gate. Troy then landed a particularly harsh blow to my chest, causing me to once agin cough up blood, breaking a few more ribs. "Aww, what is the little slut gonna passout?!! HAHAHAHA, I bet the little baby wishes his sister was here to save his sorry ass, huh?!?!?!?!" He mocked me, I couldn't help but laugh at this as I spotted her behind him, this earned me concerned looks from the them, the Hosts and my friends, all thinking I lost it. "You dumbass, she's right behind you!" Was the last thing I seid before darkness enveloped me and I passed out.

A/N: please let me know how it was, vote, comment, and add me and the story please. WARNING: THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL CONTAIN VIOLENCE, PROFANITY, MENTIONS OF PREVIOUS/PAST ABUSE AND NON-CON. VEIWER(or in this case reader i guess) DISCRETION ADVISED!!!!    

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