It was finally time, Grayson should have been near by now! I couldn't wait to be honest, I was scared tho in case again like I said he will ditch me. I shouldn't be scared I know but I just am.
Knock knock knock!!!! " I will get it" Sky shouted, "nat it's Grayson" she yelled. But all of a sudden I got butterflies out of no where (butterflies is the tickle in ur tummy) "bat hurry up" sky said, "I am" I laughed.
I walked out and saw that Sky was talking to Grayson at the door telling him to be kind other wise she will kill him and he just nodded and laughed, as I looked at him I saw that he was wearing a suit holding flowers and a huge teddy bear for me. "Hey" he said shyly, "omg hii" I said giving him a hug. "These are... for you" he said handing me them, "omg there amazing. I sat the bear in the kitchen right beside the door and gave the flowers to sky, since she was staying the night at mine, and finally gave him a kiss on the cheek for the gifts.
"Have a good time children" Sky said laughing, so we laughed with her. Grayson hooked arms with me and we walked down the hall of the hotel apartment building until we reached outside to the car.
Grayson's POV We got to my car and I opened the door for her, she looked amazing my jaw dropped everytime she moved or spoke or anything. I knew this was my first crush and I wanted it to be the best first time ever. I watched her step in but couldn't help stop starring at her ass. But I then closed the door for her and walked round to the other side, until I realised Cameras being flashed at me helping her in so I ran into the car. "What's wrong" she asked, "ughh nothing nothing it's fine" I lied.
I couldn't tell her that I was a famous, youtuber, if I did then she would probably think I'm a dork and leave me, I will just have to wait for the right time.
Nataliegh's POV He was acting strange when he got in the car so I asked him what's wrong but he said everything was fine, so they must be fine, or would he lie to me. I tried to ignore it but I knew it would have kept passing my mind once and a while.
We get to the place and can I just say, it was beautiful,
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to be honest I think he set it up. "Omg this is.. amazing!" I said grabbing his hand. "Thx I umm done this by my self" he said holding my hand. "Omg no way, is it okay if I can get a insta pic of u holding my hand" I say looking in his eyes. He nods so we did and this was it:
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(Sorry that it's morning in the pic but it's actually night time)
We walked to our table and Grayson pulled the hair out for me, "thx" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. He was literally all I could ask for.
After date
He drive me home and we were laughing and getting to know each other, he didn't seem like a bad boy like really didn't. But anyway we got to mine and he let go of my hand to let me in my door. I walked in and saw sky asleep, me and Grayson laughed quietly but then all of a sudden I went to kiss his cheek but he turned and we ended up kissing each other for like over 1 minute ahahah. He stopped and we said bye to each other and he left, I would also be lying again if I said it wasn't a great kiss 😂😂
I got my pjs on and grabbed my tedd
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