Furry OC

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Name: Ray Xavier

{*Anime} ザビエル · レイ [Zabieru Rei]

Age: 17-20

Gender: male

Species: Dalmatian

Personality: He is a very sweet boy

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Personality: He is a very sweet boy. He is just a big fluffy ball of cuteness and he'll find the good in any situation. He tends to act crazy with his energy, and goes into situations without thinking sometimes.

Likes: He likes chocolate, even though too much gets him sick. He loves plush toys and baby animals, and basically anything adorable. He enjoys to be left alone sometimes, especially when he's tired.

Dislikes: Any type of vegetable except for corn, weirdly enough. He hates haters, and while usually backtalk the hater of he/she says something that ticks him off. He hates social outings. He'd much rather stay home then go to a party. Especially if he's tired. He'll be cranky and a straight up bi*ch

Strengths/Skills: He's quick, running and thinking. He's an intelligent soul, and knows what to do in certain situations. Because of this, he tends to become more of a leader. He's also a tad motherly and treats little babies (humans, furries, and/or feral), as his own.

Weakness/Flaws: His strength is a hard ball. He tends to have it one day, and lose it the next, especially his upper-body strength. He gets timid during certain, social interactions. So, he tends to not be put into that kind of position where he has to be confident and strong, because he's not confident in himself. With his motherly side, he tends to get overprotective, to the point where he'd kill somebody if it came to that point.

*Powers- He can turn into an adorable, feral dalmatian at will.

Fear: He fears having to go to social outings. Although he enjoys being alone, he's scared of the dark.

Hobbies: He enjoys just watching TV in his undies, while he listens to his favourite songs.

*Backstory- He was always a weird, little boy. He was quite, he was picked on about it a bit. He started to get rough when he was growing. He started to talk more, he also became a bit too honest. He was bullied for his bluntness, say that he was "too soft" for not lying, that he was a backstabber. He hated it, and started to get isolated from a lot of things.

He started to gain anxiety, he overthink'd things and once, almost had an attack while simply just trying to present a project. He kept himself strong though and went through it.

His nerves and anxiety didn't just wash away, it stayed with him, but he's learned to "control" it better, and how to deal with it on his own.

Although, what was happening at home didn't really help. His parents couldn't agree on anything, often leading to fights and arguments. The night he turned 17, he moved out. He left a letter explaining why and left with nothing but a suitcase, and his pet dog, Alex.

Once he got his on little apartment by he started to volunteer and get jobs. It was back-breaking because he often took double shifts to gain a few extra bucks.

Once he was financially and emotionally stable he took on more school work and getting a teaching licence in foregin language (Spanish, to be precious)


Talents: He can play the violin, recorder, drums, and he can sing. But not just in English, he can also sing in Spanish and Japanese.

Smut: Yes, if you want (Good with none.)

Position: Seke/Switch

Kink: Master/Pet

T-on: Biting, being pinned down, pinning them down, growling, a few scratches here and there, he likes it when it's dark

T-off: Bodily fluids, weird fetishes and parafilias, having the pets (anything) watch, when other people are around

{*Favorite songs}

~~~Omegaverse (Mpreg)~~~
-Can be Alpha or Omega

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