She's Beautiful

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She's been back for a good month or so now. Her hair has grown out a bit and she's a bit taller and thinner. Definitely pretty... No. Beautiful.


Nancy has been hanging out with Eleven a lot lately and I try not to get jealous, because after all, she is technically my girlfriend. I mean.. right? I kissed her in the cafeteria.. And I promised to take her to the Snowball.. Although, I have yet to take her. This year is my last year of middle school so I still have a chance.


"Nancy, can I.. Er.. borrow El for a bit?" I ask, absently fiddling with my fingers outside her bedroom door.

Nancy sighs. "Fine, but make sure she comes back. I'm teaching her how to braid."

"Y-yeah, whatever..." I mumble.
Crap. I stuttered.

Today, I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend. Oh god. What if I say something wrong? What if I accidentally ask her to be my boyfriend or something!? What if I-

The door opens.

There she stood. The most beautiful girl in the world. She was wearing a pink dress that had short sleeves. It ended a little above her knees. Her short bangs were pinned to the side and she was wearing a flower crown.

"Mike..?" She asks with a puzzled expression.

"Huh- Wh-.. oH SORRY-" I nervously chuckle, scratching the back of my neck. Ugh, my face must be as pink as the dress she's currently wearing.

Or rather, red.


I rode her to the park because I feel like it would be more special that way. I know. It's pretty cheesy of me to say but it's just that I really like her. And.. I want her to feel.. I don't know... special, I guess?


"What's wrong, Mike?" Eleven asks curiously.

"N-nothing.. I just-" I let out a heavy sigh.



"Friends don't lie."

"Yeah.. I know." I mumble under my breath.

I hate the silence. I'm just gonna say it!

"... Elevenwouldyoupleasebemygirlfriend?" I say it so fast, it seems like I just said one word.

"Girl.. friend?"

"Y-yeah.." I shyly look away. I'm too afraid to look at her reaction right now. She probably thinks I'm stupid or something.

"What's.. girlfriend?" She raises a brow at me.

I should've known she wouldn't know what a girlfriend is. Or a boyfriend for that matter.

I finally look her in the eyes.

"A girlfriend is well.." I sigh. "A girlfriend is like a friend but more. They go out and do stuff together and they uh.."

Hug, kiss, hold hands...

Both of her eyebrows are now raised, a look of innocence showing on her face.

"They, uh," I continue. "Kiss..." I mumble the last part hoping that she didn't hear that. I can feel my cheeks grow warm.


SHOOT. Did she not remember what we did in the cafeteria? Did it mean nothing to her?

"Y-yeah.. a kiss." I say. "It's where your lips touch.."


I feel like she gets it now because she looks like she just realized something.

"Did... we do.. a kiss? At the school?"

"Yeah.. that was, uh, a kiss.." By now, my cheeks are probably as red as tomatoes. Embarrassing.

Suddenly, I see her leaning in slowly. I feel myself scooting closer to her on the bench we're sitting on.


She's so beautiful. I mean- she's beautiful every day.. but today.. she's just.. Wow.

That flower crown... it really suits her.


As soon as I know it, our lips are connected. She places a hand over the hand that is resting on my lap, interlacing her fingers with mine.

After a few seconds, we slowly lean out of the kiss.

Wow. That one was different from the one in the cafeteria..

We look at each other shyly, small smiles growing on our faces. She was so pretty when she smiled. These days, she rarely ever smiles. I don't blame her though. Coming from the lab.. then getting stuck in the Upside Down.. that must've sucked. A lot.



"Yes?" Her cheeks are visibly a light pink from the kiss. It was cute.

"Be my girlfriend...?"

"Okay." She smiles sweetly, nodding.

I grin, pulling her into a hug. The hug lasts for a good while before we pull away.


"Hey, El?"


"That flower crown looks very beautiful on you." I say with a shy smile.

"Thank you." She grins bashfully, leaning her head on my shoulder.

Today was perfect.

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