Part 53

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"What's with all those lights?" My friend, Anna, asked.

I shook my head, "No idea." I turned my head to her and smiled, "but let's find out."

We left our bags in the car and jumped out. I looked around for any sign of anyone or anything, and I saw a note in a fork near the first candle.

I bent over and took a piece of pink paper out of the envelope. On it was Nash's handwriting saying:

Follow the path, a surprise is awaiting for you. <3

I smiled, I seriously had the best, cutest boyfriend ever.

I followed the path to The yard gate, where it just stopped. I looked around, there was nothing else.

"Do I open the gate?" I whispered to Anna.

"No, you go jump in the pool. Open it!!" She smiled.

I opened the door, and started crying.
I ran up to Nash and he gave me the biggest hug. He laughed at my reaction, and so did all the other boys. It made me laugh too.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I screamed, I was jumping up and down like a maniac, but I didn't care. I mean I knew he was gonna ask me, but not like this. It was amazing how he went out of his way to do this for me. As soon as I said yes, all the guys let go of all the balloons, and it was beautiful. Nash handed me his balloon though, and some flowers, and another teddy bear.

He chuckled,"Yay!" He jumped up and down, mocking me and I playfully slapped his arm before laughing.

Then he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. His lips met mine, earning a couple "ewww"s, "woah bro!"s, "0000h, kill em'", "mhmm, get some" and of course an "Amen!" From Hayes, and an "awwwh, Instagram that joint" from Anna. I felt Nash smirk through the kiss and I pulled away laughing.

"No!" Nash put on a pouty face and I gave him a peck on the lips. "Guess what?"

"Oh God, another surprise?" I teased.

"Mhmm." He smiled.

"Well what is it?" I returned his smile

"I love you!" He swept me up into his arms, it totally caught me off guard and I laughed. So did everybody else.

"I love you more." I nuzzled his nose.

"Get a room!" One of the guys shouted, making us all laugh.

"No, you don't, that's impossible." He kissed my cheek

"No, it isn't, cause I love you more than chocolate." He laughed

"Well, I love you you to the moon and back." How did I top that?

"Dude, you're supposed to let the girl win." He laughed then put on another pouty face.


"Say ittt." I urged, biting my lip not to laugh

"Fine. You win." He was trying not to laugh either.

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