Chapter 1: Little Turntable

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 For Katie Rose, America was an adventure. She had never been there as a little girl, and had dreamed of it since she had heard the word. It was her own Neverland, where dreams could come true. Not only was America a Wonderland, but it was also the birthplace of Rock and Roll. She had loved rock the second she had heard her first Buddy Holly song on the radio. The beautiful lyrics of "Love Me" had moved her to listen to more. She discovered this thing that Muggles called "vinyl" and began buying it by the dozen.

Oh, did I mention? Katie Rose just recently graduated from Hogwarts, school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She loved it there, and made tons of good friends. School had a certain calling to her, and she especially excelled at Herbology and Charms. So much so, that her current house in America is filled with all types of plants and little knick-knacks.

Her house was small, and had a light green exterior. The roof was black shingles and had a small chimney for her fireplace. Inside, the walls were painted a light tan color to contrast the dark hardwood floors. But don't be fooled, one could barely see the floors behind all the plants and stacks of books. She had a large faux leather armchair and a matching loveseat seated right in front of the fireplace. In the corner of her livingroom, sat a small television on a smaller metal stand. Her kitchen was a "one-butt" kitchen with more cupboards than entirely necessary. The walls in the kitchen were painted white with a black and white speckled countertop. The floor had little squares inside each other, each a varying shade of grey-blue.

Katie's bedroom consisted of a larger bed with a mountain of blankets on them. She also had her records and her speakers in there too, surrounding her bed. Orion, her pet snake, also resided in her room. She took him out of his little glass enclosure to roam around whichever room she was in at the time. He was a ball python, and was white with big yellow splotches that complimented his deep black eyes. He was her friend through her years in the Slytherin dorms. Her bathroom was a nice shade of light blue, with an ocean theme dusting the accessories she had delicately placed in there.

Katie walked out of her little home in LA, and began walking to work. The little record shop isn't terribly far from her tiny domain. That's the reason that she picked the house that she picked. Of course, it also has something to do with the drug problem, and the fact that it was incredibly cheap due to the drug problem. Nothing a little charm or two couldn't fix.

Katie was humming along to her favorite song, "Rock Around with Ollie Vee," also by Buddy Holly, when she opened up shop. Katie bought the store after working in it for a few years. The owners were more than happy to let her take over, and gave her a reasonable price for the quaint little shop. The store was small, no bigger than a small home. But it felt like an entire world rested in those dusty old shelves. The walls were wood panelling, with different posters of bands sprawled across the walls. On the ceiling hung little Christmas lights illuminating the records on the top few shelves. The floor was carpet and worn, but always clean. On the shelves were the records that were sorted by genre, then alphabetically. The shelves were a deep shade of brown and arranged in columns in the small building. Old and new records were accepted, and all genres were accepted. She named her tiny store "Little Turntable" because she didn't want to attract only one type of music lover.

This was Katie's home. She had little plants everywhere in the store. There was always a record playing as she worked the register. This was what she came to America for. This is what made her abandon all that she took comfort in. She left friends and family to come here, to LA. And she couldn't be happier.

She flipped on the lights, and the store was quickly illuminated. Sunlight was streaming in rays through the windows, helping the place look alive. Dust was floating in the air after being disturbed from their resting place through the night. Katie smiled as she looked at all the shelves and what she made. Her future rests in these thin walls, she can just feel it. And she barely passed Divination, so it truly had to mean something when she could feel it.

Katie placed a record on the turntable, and the soothing sounds of Elvis filled the store. She dusted off the shelves and double-checked to make sure that everything was in proper order. Putting the muggle duster down back on it's hook under the front counter, she flipped the little sign so it would read "open" from the outside. She smiled as she glanced around the room once again and pulled out her book from behind the counter. As she began reading "Charlie and the Chocolate factory" that she had bought from the book shop next door, the bell above the door rang.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, there was never many customers. Many came closer to noon, as it was when the local teens could get out of school and spend whatever lunch money that they had been saving.

A somewhat taller man walked into her little store, browsing the shelves in the rock section. He looked rather handsome, if Katie would allow herself to say so. He had nice, medium length hair that seemed to bounce off his shoulders when he walked. His hair was a beautiful shade of chestnut that seemed to play with the sunlight streaming in from the may windows. She couldn't see his eyes at the moment, but she would guess that they were as mysterious as he appeared.

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