Chapter 2: The Mystery Man

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 "Good morning! Can I help you find anything in particular?" Katie asked the man. He hummed a negative reply, then glanced upward to regard Katie.

He froze on the spot. He just stared at the witch, and made her feel rather uncomfortable. His pupils widened a bit, and she looked downward to hopefully hide her blush. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of blue that she had ever seen in her lifetime. It could rival the shade that the patronus charm could produce. Nothing like her blue gray eyes that matched the color of dull silver.

"Uhm. No. I mean! Yeah. I could have some help finding something. But only if that's not too much trouble or anything." The man stumbled over his words, then winced to himself.

Katie couldn't contain her tiny giggles. "What are ya lookin' for?" she set her book down on the counter, and stood from her stool.

"Uhhh, something that would be good to play at a small get-together. My band's coming over and I don't have a lot to play." He glanced back down to his feet as he was shuffling back and forth on them. He looked back up to find Katie already next to the shelves. She was in the rock section.

"There's this really good Buddy Holly greatest hits album that I would swear by. Ah! Here it is! 'Buddy Holly Lives!'" She held the worn album out to the man. He took it graciously, and held it under his arm.

"Uh, thanks. I'm Jim, by the way." He told her.

Katie smiled at the nervous man, Jim. "I'm Katie, nice to meet you!" she replied, holding out her hand. He shook it tentatively. "Is that all you're going to need? Just one album?"

Jim thought for a moment. "Probably not."

"Alright, here's another one. This is kinda new. It's the Beatles, 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonley Hearts Club Band,' and I've been hearing good reviews about it!" She held out this album out to him too, and he studied the cover before taking it under his arm.

"Thank you for this Katie. How much do I owe you?" Jim asked.

"Well, usually all the records in here are $5. But since the Beatles one is new, that one is $8, so your total is $13." Katie did the quick math in her head as she walked over to the register, pushing her long blonde hair out of her eyes.

Jim reached in his pocket, and pulled out a 10 and a 5. "Keep the change. A lovely lady like you deserves much more than that."

Katie looked up, and studied his face. He looked serious, and was fiddling with the corners of one of the albums. He was looking directly into her eyes, and he was... blushing? But Katie was right about one thing. His eyes were deep and mysterious, but also filled with emotion. He was wearing leather pants, which was unusual for the mid-July heat. Jim was also wearing a strange looking belt, that also looked cool at the same time.

"No, I absolutely cannot keep that." Katie pushed two one's into his hand. "This is not a tipping business."

"I insist." Jim pushed the two bills back.

Katie stared into his eyes. "No." She said slowly. While she did like the man, he was still a customer, and should be treated as one.

"Okay. At least let me take you out on a date." He tried to bargain.

As much as Katie didn't like it, she really wanted to go on that date. He was handsome, and she wanted to know more about the man who wore black leather pants in the middle of July. Maybe it has something to do with the band that he mentioned? Or maybe he's trying to start a new fashion trend. Either way, Katie wanted to know what was going on inside this man's head.

"Fine. I'll go. I get off at 7." She huffed.

"Great! I'll be back around to walk you there. What you're wearing is fine." He walked to to the door, and finally regained his shyness. "I hope you have a nice day." He mumbled as he walked out the door.

Katie stared out the glass door long after Jim disappeared into the cool morning air. The thoughts swimming in her head kept her from opening her book again, or even flipping the record that was now re-starting to play on the same side.

The day dragged on, and a few people came and went. That's what her days were like, but she enjoyed it. Nothing too crazy ever really happened. Except one time a squirrel somehow trapped itself under one of her shelves, but that was an easy fix.

Soon enough, it was time for lunch. Since no-one was in the shop, she decided to use a bit of magic. A simple warming charm on her ham and cheese sandwich, and it tasted like a five course meal on her stomach that had only eaten oatmeal for breakfast. Katie took a huge bite out of her apple in between bites of her sandwich, and washed it all down with a cooled drink of milk. She's trying a diet okay? (But come on, after this date we all know she's not gonna stick to it.)

For some reason, she thought of Orion. Was he okay at home? Is he happy being alone in his tank, or is he completely miserable? Maybe Katie could charm the house to not let him outside, but he could roam freely. But she'd have to do that after the date.

She finished the sandwich and apple, and threw the core away. She huffed. Why is it that everytime she got nervous she thought of Orion? Who knows.

Katie slunk into her chair, and began playing with her hair. She was always happy with her hair color. It was such a bright shade of blonde that the teachers had mistaken her for a Malfoy before! But while she was still a Slytherin, she would not ever associate herself with the Malfoys. They were gross and overall creepy. She'd much rather hang out with a nice family like the Weasleys. She was always welcome at their place and was loved for being her. Not for her looks or to get favors.

She closed her eyes and just listened to the sound of Roy Orbison float through her speakers. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2017 ⏰

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