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Natalia A:
I'm Natalia Abrego. Call me Natalia A.
I am a very different person but I'm just like you all: unique.
But here's the story.

[2004: SMC]
The Sacred Made Chamber.
It's a place where scientists and experienced people test their creations, and even make their creations.
There was a substance called "AF", which is also known as All Fall.
All Fall is a gooey, greasy substance, that creates.. whatever it wishes to.
It chooses a victim. Then it transforms into that victim.
No problem, correct?
No. It's a problem.
There's multiple that take different forms.
Unfortunately, this took over Natalia A's life.
Made her life a hell.
June 14, 2004.
Same day Natalia A was born.
Though the AF had made.. itself into Natalia A.
Multiple of them.

A scientist seen Chamber 808.
It glowed. That scientist left AF laying around on his desk, but it was glowing and it spread all over the chamber inside 808.
The scientist immediately ran to find security and tried getting help but it was too late: the All Fall had made its creation.

Scientist Jamie had seen, the orange eyed creature. Looked like somebody. But, the Scientist never knew who Natalia was. So, this Scientist made the code name for this creature.
The Scientist decided to name this creature: Nat AF1.
Nat AF1 had a orange sweatshirt, tan skin, and dark brown short hair. AF1 wore tight jeans and some boots. AF1 looked clumsy and restless, almost deprived. The Scientist took AF1 to a testing room somewhere else in the building but AF1 began excreting gooey substances.
It must've been the rest of the AF.
Jamie had touched the area where the substances were leaking out of: the abdomen. Well, it got all over his hand and it eventually turned into something. A creature. -AF1, is what he named it. So if this goo touches surfaces, it turns into something. A live being. Hopefully, it was the last thing that'd be created. Jamie laid AF1 down on the testing bed where they examined bodies. AF1 threw up the same substance and it went all over. Jamie got janitors to try and clean it up but it was a complete failure as the goo became beings. These were failed AFs.
AF1 cried out loudly, trying to get help, from who though?
Jamie immediately tried to shut AF1 up but the manager came in.
"Mr. Rost, help me!"
"What is THIS, Jamie?"
"Nat AF1."
"N.. Nat AF1?"
"Sir Rost, it's the All Fall."
Rost was confused.
How did the All Fall become creatures?..
Rost will never know.
More noise is heard: Rost and Jamie go to see what's going on.
A red.. being that looked identically like AF1, appeared. That red being actually had a body and this red being looked furious.
Jamie decides to name this creature Nat AF2.
AF2 wore a suit, and some dark sweatpants, with red shoes. Though, it may have had the same dark brown hair and the same skin color, the hair was more upward than usual. Jamie seen. That thing.
Jamie clutched AF2's abdomen, seeing if any results happened.
Instead, AF2 pushed Jamie away and Jamie had hit himself in the head. On the counter.
Though. Something unique happened. AF2 changed from a red color to a black color. A grey color, actually.
AF2 sat down, looked like it was in agony.

•Hours Pass•
A blue creature emerged. It was AF3.
The three AFs laid around and did nothing the remainder of the day.
It's something quite fascinating when you put thought into it.
Time to go back to present day.

•Present Day•
Natalia headed to her living room couch, and she sat down. Natalia had been hanging with Paisley and Sky all day and it was lots of fun. But right now, Natalia wanted to sleep and immediately. So Natalia put her head down and just rested for a bit.
The next morning, Natalia woke up and ran to the kitchen to eat something. Natalia was really hungry and then something happened. Natalia saw some red, blue, purple and orange goo around her sink.
Natalia touched this goo and immediately freaked out: it felt like slime but greasy.
The red goo turned into something— it was AF2. AF2 touched Natalia's face and, immediately asked: "Where's.. your washroom?"
Natalia answered: "Around my hallway.."
AF2 went to the supposed hallway.
The orange goo turned into AF1.
AF1 said: "Is your name Natalia? If so, tell us where we are."
Natalia replied: "I'm Natalia A. And, you're at my house."
AF3 had formed as well and commented: "I don't think we are in a calm presence, where IS AF2?"
"AF2 is in my bathroom... was that AF2?" Natalia had answered the question but made another.
"AF2 is the red one. And, where is your bathroom?" AF3 asked.
"Hallway," Natalia answered.
AF4 arrived: "HELLO BIOTCHES!"
The three AFs had gathered around and were concerned.
"Um, Sleepy, I'm scared. AF2 isn't feeling right and.. is that a huge problem?" -AF3
"Calm, Calm. Look, AC, it'll be alright. AF2 will feel better and it's going to be ok soon." -AF1
"Well with my experience, Taco prolly has the Hershey squirts!" -AF4
"That's way too much information for us." -AF1
"Hershey squirts aren't even Hershey— Hershey is brown. So like— Taco has Mountain Dew Red squirts." -AF4
"How do you know what Mountain Dew Red is, AF4?" -AF1
"Taco." -AF4

To be continued.


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