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Gabriella's pov

Me and Matt were meeting up at a restaurant

When I arrived he was there waiting, I walked over to where he was sitting and pecked his lips before sitting down

"Okay I'm going to go straight to the point. I'm breaking up with you" he says quickly

He was tearing up and I was tearing up. So many questions running through my mind but nothing coming out my mouth

He whipped his tears and said "I love you. I really really do. But My mom is making me do this, she doesn't like the fact that we immediately had sex, she thinks after marriage is a perfect time. But I've also noticed that I'm not myself anymore. I'm too attached to you. I used to always hang out with my friends but you kinda made me stick onto you. I want to be with my friends"

I nodded "just please promise me Matthew lee Espinosa, that you'll still be around, just as friends, i want to at least have a friendship with you. Like how we did before we got together"

"I promise" he says

I got up and I hugged him

It hurt me deep inside

Hurt very very bad

"I am still very attracted to you but this is for the best" he said

for the very last time, I kissed his lips

I continued to cry

"Alright, I have to go gabs" he smiled

I nodded

I began walking back to my car

As I went in my car. I drove to our favorite spot to go

Malibu beach

I drove, and drove until I got to the destination

When I arrived. I parked my car and walked down to the water and just sat down

And cried and cried

I just looked at the water

Memories flashing through my mind

Just remembering the good times me and him have had

I just cried and cried

I heard a voice come up from behind me saying "hey, you okay"

I turned around and saw jack j

Just thinking of the words he said to me made me cry

"Did Matt break up with you?" He asked

I nodded. He came over to me and held me and I just cried in his arms

"Why would he do that. He meant the world to me. He was my first real boyfriend" I cried

He just started saying "I'm sure it wasn't your fault. But now you have to be strong"

"How'd you know I was here?" I asked

He laughed "I saw you getting on the freeway and I could sense something was wrong so I followed you here"

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