The Date

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I got back home and told my mom about what happened
   "Well are you guys a thing now?"
She asked with a smile.
  "I don't know mom it's my second day here!"
I said laughing.
"Well are you gonna tell you father?"
Then my heart sank what is my dad gonna say?! How is he gonna react!? I didn't answer the question and changed the subject,  me and my mom just talked for a while. I still need to talk to me dad, I got up and went to my bedroom I grabbed my laptop and went into my Instagram page. I was scrolling through my feed as one of the twins photos popped up. It was posted by my friend Samantha back home, I liked it of course and commented Only if you knew I laughed at myself I went a little deeper I'm my feed before I heard.
  "I'm home."
I hear my dad shout from down stairs, I quickly jumped up and ran to him.
  "Hey dad! How was work?"
I said smiling because I knew the answer was gonna be the same as yesterday.
"Work was work"
He said smiling "How was your day?"
"It was ok Ethan asked to take me to dinner tonight an-"
  "Wait what?"
  He said with one eyebrow raised.
   "Ethan is taking me to dinner tonight if that's ok with you? Please daddy!!"
I begged him
  "I don't know about that, which one was that, was it the one who came to the door asking if you could spend the night or the one who was left in the car?? They look to alike in my opinion"
He said laughing.
"They are twins dad and it's the one who came to the door?"
I responded he thought for a minute.
"That makes more sense, fine you can go..... JUST become I can see in your eyes how much you like him and he seems like a nice kid.''
He said with a smile then I gave him a big hug and said thank you I kissed him on the cheek and ran to my room. I looked out my window and saw Grayson's open he was on his computer, I opened mine and said.
"Hey Grayson!"
He looked over and smiled then got up and walked to the window.
   "Hey E! Awkward question but can I have your number? I meant to get it early but...yeah."
   "Sure haha it's 770*******"
I gave him my number then felt my phone vibrate I looked at the and it a message that said.
Gray looked up from his phone and said
  "There. Save mine and I'm gonna give Ethan your number, be right back."
I saved Gray's number then went to my closet to see what I was gonna wear to dinner....
"How about a dress?"
I said to myself.
    "Wear jeans and a t-shirt"
I turned around to see Ethan leaning out of Grays window.
   "Hey Ethan, Jeans and a t-shirt?"
He said smiling.
I walked over to the window with a outfit I thought would work.
"How about this?"
I said holding up a pair of skinny jeans and a black crop-top that said Get lost In big pink writing. "Hahaha that's Perfect!"
I looked at the time it was 7:45 
I shouted.
   "What what's wrong!?"
Ethan said worryingly
  "I am running out of time and I still have to shower and get dressed and find a hat to wear!"
I said as I'm rushing the conversation so I can go get ready.
"Well how about this hat? He held up a black straight bill cap.
"Yes perfect! Ok I'll wear it I have to go get ready and you have to be here at 8 so you can talk to my dad!"
   "You dad?"
He said nervous.
"Yes you will be fine just introduce yourself and talk to him I have to go text me when your here!"
I said as I closed my window and my curtains. I rushed to the shower not knowing my mom just got out and she used all the hot water. So as I shivered as the freezing water bit my skin. After I was done I waddled over to my bed and pick up my clothes and started getting dressed. After I was dressed I blow dried my hair. I finished with that so I picked up my phone to see I have a text from someone its probably Ethan I thought to myself the text read "I'm on my way" so I saved the number as Ethan with a heart by it I hear a knock on the door.
   "I'll get it!"
My dad said so I didn't bother going down there I just kept getting ready. I slid my phone in my back pocket and headed down stairs.

I walked up to her door and nervously knocked, her father answered it.
  "Hello mister....."
I said holding out my hand hesitating because I don't know what to call him.
  "Hansard, Mr.Hansard."
He responded shacking my hand firmly.
   "Mr Hansard I am Ethan Dolan and I am he-"
I was cut off.
   "I know why your here come in!"
He said with a smile and stepped aside so I could come in.
  "Thank you."
I responded.
  "Have a seat son."
He said as he showed me to the living room sofa. I nervously sat down with my hands in my lap as he sat in the recliner across from me.
  "So what is your plan tonight and when will you have her home?"
He said giving me a look like if I don't answer right he is gonna kill me.
  "Well sir, I was going to take her to dinner and then go watch a movie and I will have her back by 12?"
My heart sank I feel like I just said something I wasn't supposed to.
"Yes 12 is fine no later than 12:30 please"
I felt so much better because I  can have her out longer his voice trailed on as I looked up and saw E coming down the stairs looking so pretty, I stood up and she walked over to me.
  "Hey Ethan you look great!"
   "Hey E you look amazing!"
I responded mesmerized at how good she looked.
  "Well bye dad we will be home later."
E said to her dad and walked out the door.
"12:30 you got it! Bye Mr.Hansard!"
I said as she is dragging me out the door.

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