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"Hailey well well well it's been a long time hasn't it?"
"That's my name!"
"No, no, no this can't be happening!"
"So.... How's Shayla?"
"How do you-"
"I know everything about you."
"Well that's not creepy at all.."

I felt Shayla tap my thigh.

"Ethan? Come get Shayla for a second I'm going for a walk!"

Instead Gray took her for me and I walked off.
"Walking away from the pack eh? Wanna meet me?"
"Wanna meet me?"
"No because if I me-"
"I know I know if you meet me your going to kill me again blah blah blah what's new sugar?"
"Tyler leave me and my family alone!"
"I'm afraid I can't do that ma'am"
"And what's that?"
"Because that wasn't my order."
"Order from who?"
"Samantha? No you killed her!"
"Why else would I have know who you were talking about three years ago? Oh and has Gray told you yet?"
"Told me what?"
"About Skyler."
"Skyler who?"
"The one from England! Well you go figure that out and I'll be in touch!"

And with that he was gone, I am super confused and trying to grasp this concept isn't easy.
He stiffened up when he heard me yell Grayson he turned to face me and walked over to me.
"Boy do you have some explaining to do!"
"Huh what do you mean?"
"How do you know? Who told you and why didn't you tell me!?"
"E what are you talking about?"
His face drained of color.
"Yeah oh! Explain!"
"Well ok so-"
"Mommy! Mommy!"
"What baby?"
"Daddy needs you! Hurry!"
"What is he ok?"
"Mommy come!"
Shayla grabbed my hand and I grabbed Gray's and we hurried to Ethan who was laying on a towel.
"Daddy, mommy!"
She points to me as I go to his side.
"Are you ok?"
I lean over him and his eyes are closed.
"Ethan? Ethan are you ok?"
He flutters his eyes open and smiles he wraps his arms around me pulling me down on top of him, he placed his sold lips on mine it feels like I'm complete.
"Ew gross!"
Shayla screams as she covers her eyes.
"Yeah I'm with you Shay!"
Grayson said as he picks her up and walks off.
"Ethan so apparently Skyker from England is my sister Skyler and she never died.
I get off Ethan and sit up.
"Yeah I found out just today! And Grayson had known but never told me!"
Ethan screams, his mom walks over and Ethan asks her to take Shayla home, get her dinner and bathed that me him and Gray have some things we need to go over. She agrees and takes Shayla and leaves.
"Ok Grayson please explain!"
"Ok so remember the letters Samantha wrote us?"
My eyes widened and started to fill with tears.
Ethan says before I could speak.
"Well I've read the letter every day since she died so I know mine by heart. The way she told me was, remember Skyler? Yes I know Skyler, but E doesn't know this, remember her SISTER Skyler? How she 'died'. Well Skyler isn't dead! I know your like 'How do you know this??' Well a couple months ago Skyler contacted me and told me everything! Skyler ran away from home when the fire started and she realized her sisters were dead she felt guilty and so she ran as far away as possible, she moved to England and and changed her looks and body she never wanted to be found. But she like E is a big fan of you guys, when saw you Ethan and E in the elevator she wanted to see if E could figure it out. Her heart shattered when E said she had a sister named Skyler that died. She knew E  through she looked familiar but Skyler didn't want to tell E. Because she didn't know how/what to say and she didn't know how she would react. Grayson, in trusting you to tell her when she's ready. Here is Skyler's phone number- 407*******. Contact her when you have told E. Please don't let anything bad happen to E."
At this point I'm crying in Ethan's chest.
"I knew she seemed so familer OH MY GOSH HAILEY HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW!"
I screamed at myself for not knowing.
"Where's my phone?!"
Ethan asks.
I hand him his phone.
"What as her number?"
"Here call her!"
He pressed call and hands me the phone, it rings a couple times untill I hear her voice:

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