shit happined

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"The fuck" I questioned as I sit up from the ground 'oh yah I got  another beating after getting court sneaking into my after going out how the fuck did she know I was out there?' that's what was considering me the most oh well I go to my bathroom and clean up.

once I was done I pick out a outfit for the day I picked out a long sleaved red shirt black leggings a light gray hoodie and black boots I put my purple hair in a ponytail then put my bandana over my eyes and started the day.

(ship because I'm to lazy lol)

it 12;00am time to go out I jump out the window and start running until I hear screaming I look around and see a few people getting attacked that's when the gang itself arrive the teen titans I sit down and watch the show (I'm just the best help) but the just got there butts kidded I had fun watching them but jumped down to help so in the shadows I made the wind change to lift the guy up in the air "ok as much fun as it is watching from the roof this is more fun" I said as I stepped out from the shadows

"and who are you? the guy I just sent flying into the air asked

"not important but I know who all of you are so this is going to be introesting lets see how long youll last until you 1. give up 2.pase out or 3 you don't want to know" I say the last part with my eyes glowing for a second and all the guy did is laugh

"you really? I can destroy you in seconds"

"said the guy that got tossed into the air a few mins ago" I hear a few muffled giggles from behind me,that made the guy I just going to call him by his name slade pissed he started to throw punches at me but I just moved out of the way and flipped over him kicking him in the back I then made the air dance around him tossing him in to the air then making him fall after a few mins I was getting bord so I kicked him in the head but in the proses got stabbed on my right side I backed away and sore blood seaping throw my close I look up and slade was smirking

"see I told you I would destroy you" now its my time to smirk

"I'm not done yet" I then fire started to form around us I heled up my right hand and short fire at him after the smock and fire vanished so did slade I looked at my wond nothing to bad well in my book its not I tern and see the five teens stand

"you all ok I asked" "yep were good but your not" robin said I just shrugged "oh well its not that bad"

then beast boy started to freack "NOT THAT BAD!? DUDE YOU GOT STABBED"

"oh well ill live" "ok theres something wrong with you nobody would just walk away and say oh well when they just goy stabbed" cyborg said "its no big of a dill I,ve has much worse then a little stab wond" I said "I don't care your coming with us to get that cleand if you like it or not" robin said I just said I was to sore and tired to fight "fine but once I'm pached up I'm going I have other problems to deil with" I said "like what"? beast boy asked "that's non of your concern lets just get this over with" and with that we leave 'I just hope I don't get cort like last time and robin wont ask any quistions' I thought but I can tell you this the story just begun

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