There was a knock at the door. Chapter 4

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I got to speak to Bella says jase OK says Jasmine your dad's been in some kind of accident car accident He's passed away oh my gosh oh my gosh Jasmine can hear what my dad's been some kind of accident a car accident call him and see what happened there's no answer it's really happened i'm very sorry Bella for your loss you should go to your aunts Carmela's for a week and I'll go with you but I don't want to go without you guysyou have to Barry ur daddy i'll be there with you don't worry says Jasmine ok Bella says OK good I called your aunt she's coming to get you tomorrow.where is Bella says aunt Carmela I'm I hear Bella says to aunt Carmela I'm so sorry about what happened to your dad it was tragic how you  loss your dad in the accident the doctors can do anything for your dad he was dead on arrival I want to be here for you.

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