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The leather collar of his coat chafed my fingers as I pulled him close and slammed him back into the wall. My rage blinded me as he stumbled back and fell against the wall. "You lied!" I exclaimed. "You fricking lied!" That was incorrect as not only did he lie, but he destroyed, betrayed, and hurt me more than anyone could ever have. Though, I didn't say any of this aloud because of the tears that threatened to fall.

He did not utter a sound, simply stared at me with those rich brown eyes that I had trusted. I scowled and pulled myself together. Gritting my teeth, I put my hand out. He slipped his hand into his pocket, without taking his eyes off me, and placed the key in my hand.

"You are no longer invited to my house," I hissed at him, my vision already blurry. I turned away quickly and started walking away. Sirens could be heard, which only meant that the police was close. My eyes burned from tears that had welled up. I ignored the crowd that had gathered to watch our fight and tugged my coat closet to my body. I resisted the urge to look back at him for the last time and turned the corner.

I felt my heart shattering with each and every step. Emotions of anger and betrayal bubbled up inside of me. I was like a soda bottle that had been shaken too hard; ready to explode. Now, furious, I opened the door to my house. The memories from the time I moved in came back to me, hitting me in the chest like a truck.

I placed the box down and called his name. "James?"

No reply at first, but then I heard him in the guest room. "April. Do me a favor and....turn around." Trusting him, I did and instantly regretted it. A shriek tore from my throat as I looked at James in a horrible Halloween mask. I punched him in the arm.

"James! For God's sake! I hate you!" He spread his arms out grinning.

"Aw, April! You are too easy to fool. And don't worry. I love you too!" He forcefully hugged me, laughing. I couldn't help but laugh along.

I was too easy to fool, wasn't I? Tears streamed down my face as I sunk to the floor. It was a fricking lie, all of it. A sob racked my shoulders. A mixture of vague emotions left me speechless and all I could do was cry.

"James...why?" The words stumbled out of my mouth. They were the only words I could say. Somewhere, in the midst of my life, he had drifted away from me, but I hadn't. I clung onto him like I was drowning and he was my floating raft that would take me to the shore. It was like someone had picked me up from the ocean and had thrown me into a forest full of blood thirsty predators with a simple stick as my defense. I had been stripped bare of all the courage, confidence, and bravery I had gathered over the past year and had been forced to start over with nothing.

All this swam around in my head as I pushed myself up and made my way to my small room. It was a mess. Clothes lying here and there. I almost burst into fresh tears on spotting some of his clothes.

Kicking my shoes off, I laid on my bed. I just couldn't believe it. Someone so perfect, someone I had trusted, was the one who would betray me. What would my parents say about this? I had called them, but they hadn't picked up, as usual. But I had messaged them. I don't know if they would believe. I didn't even know if they trusted me. I hadn't felt this lonely ever in my life. My eyes drooped, and being thankful for the sweet escape from reality, I drifted off into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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