"He's staring at you."
"No he's not." Maddie shook her head at her sister. She was having drinks down the street where she lived, it was a nice bar, people seemed very colorful here. Maddie was happy to be off work. She was so tired dancing on the weekends and studying through the week. Her job was very demanding, she was a dancer at a very exclusive club.
Maddie didn't really like to dance at clubs, but she was desperate for money, she needed to pay her tuition at the university where she was studying to become a criminologist. She always was interested in what made people do the things they did.
She was a very busy girl, she had her first Friday off in months. Her sister Christina was happy talking and flirting away, Maddie decided it was best not to get any attention. She got enough of that at work. "He is so staring at you Maddie." Christina laughed.
Maddie looked over to a table with a group of guys, they didn't look like they came here often, when her eyes hit his eyes she blushed stupidly. He had the most intense blue eyes she had ever seen. He was so hot it was actually scary. Why was he looking at her? She was in simple jeans and a singlet. Nothing over the top, she had her hair down and quickly tied it up, it gave her something to do, this guy was really staring at her.
"Oh my god Maddie he's coming." Maddie looked at her older sister and shook her head.
"Christina let's go." Christina laughed.
"Lighten up..." She said walking away leaving Maddie sitting alone.
"Beer." The blue eyed man ordered the bar tender. He stood so close to her she felt herself heat up. When he got his beer he turned and pressed his back to the bar staring at her as he drank his beer. She looked up at him and smiled slightly.
"Um, I don't think your allowed to be standing there, it stops customers from buying drinks." She said to stop herself being so awkward.
"Really and who do you suppose is going to tell me I can't?" She shrugged her shoulders. Boy he was hot. His eyes so demanding.
"Maybe that big scary looking guard coming your way." He looked over and seemed to look worried.
"Well I want to sit with you and your sitting here, unless you have a seat with me then I guess I'm about to get my ass kicked." He said taking another sip of his beer. He had a very hot five o'clock shadow happening and his dark brown hair looked messy. She smiled at his pickup.
"Fine..." She said getting up. She grabbed her drink and followed him.
"You saved my life." He told her as they took a seat on a table.
"Yeah and don't you forget it." She played along.
"I'm Jonas Porter." Maddie smiled and shook his hand.
"Maddie Williams."
"Well Maddie Williams it's a pleasure to meet you."
"Listen Jonas, if you are thinking this is going to end up in us... You know... Hooking up at a motel or whatever, it's not going to happen. So save yourself the trouble of trying to be all interested in what I have to say now."
"Hey I'm not cheap okay, you woman think the worst sometimes." He said shaking his head. Despite herself she laughed.
"Hey I'm sorry, I shouldn't stereotype." He was cute and charming...
"You seeing anybody?" He asked looking serious. She shook her head, straight to the point with him.
"No and not planning to either."

RomanceJonas, once a nice guy, found out his girlfriend lied and betrayed him. His inner demons take over forcing him to punish her. Not able to live without her yet not able to live with her Maddie suffers at the hands of a once sweet and loving man! This...