Chapter 1

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5:38 am

Text message between Jake and Jess Paul.
J💕= Jake J❣= Jess

J❣=what the fuck do you want Jake.
J💕= woah already that time of the month?
J💕= ok. Ok. But can you come down to the team 10 house.
J❣= pftt I hate mornings with a passion yeah good try.
J💕= Please Jly it's important.
J❣= F. U. C. K. O. F. F.
J💕= Jess come on
J❣= no
J💕= Jessily Tatiana Paul get your ass to the team 10 house now.
J❣= ugh yes boss😒🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽
J💕= you bought it on yourself.

6:15  am

Jess's P.O.V

After getting that text from my twin, I knew it was important. He knows I dislike my name so he only uses it when it's completely necessary. I don't know why I dislike my name, it just angers me I guess. I get up, have a shower, brush my teeth, get changed into a pink camo JP merch top that I had cut into a cute little crop top, put on some black JP joggers and just put on some Maverick socks coz I couldn't be bothered putting on shoes. I then went into Logan's room holding a big bowl of Yogurt. I tip the Yogurt onto him and demand him to drive me to the team 10 house. He says no at first but then I do my puppy eyes and it works. He drives into the driveway where jakes standing, waiting for me. Logan's still covered in yogurt so I throw my orange peels at him and ran inside knowing he would wanna chase me. Once I realised my brothers are outside talking I decided to pull a prank. I mean they've both been assholes this morning let's make them pay. I quickly close the door. I know this house like the back off my hand so I go around and lock every single door and window. Oops? Even better, everybody's asleep so they can't get any help. Just in case someone's secretly awake, I go around and take everyone's phones and hide them all in the freezer, I turn them off though so they don't hear any notifications or anything once Jake and Logan realise I locked them out. 2x oops?
I was sitting on the couch on my phone when I saw Logan and Jake try open the back door. They look at me at start yelling.
"JESS OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" Jake screams putting me into fits of laughter.
"JESS I SWEAR IM GON-" He got cut off by Logan.
"Bro there's no way in hell she's opening the door, call someone." He says. I laugh even harder to the point where I'm crying.
"You think I'm th- that d dumb? Jake dropped outta college bro n- not me." I say getting stopped repeatedly from my own laughter. "What?" Logan says. "Ugh she hid everybody's phones" Jake says.
"How'd you know though?" Logan replies. I swear my brothers can be the smartest kids you can meet then suddenly be as smart as a potato. A dead ugly baby potato.
"TWIN TELEPATHY IDIOT!?!!" Both me and my twin scream at the same time.
Logan stays quiet after that knowing either me or Jake would come back at him with something else. Realising they had no hope of getting inside until someone else woke up, they went and sat on the outside couch and played of their phones.
An hour and a half had passed and everyone was still in bed sleeping so I decided to play Jakes role and wake them up. I grab the taser and the merch gun and quietly go into the new and improved, clean and tidy, but still ratchet room and pick up a dirty t-shirt that happened to be the Martinez twins merch. Their merch their hit. I thought to myself. I aimed at Ivan who was on top. (I can easily tell like easily.) "3 2 1... AND BLAST OFF." It hit Ivan right in the back and he screamed like a girl waking up the other three boys. "RELOADING... RELOADED AND A 1 A 2 A 1 2 3 4 BLAST OFF" I shot Emilio this time. I didn't get such a good hit since Emilio saw it coming but he still got annoyed so I accomplished my goal. I went over and jumped on Chance hugging him first so I didn't look suspicious.
"Good morning Jess." He says looking me dead in the eye.
I don't say anything. I just smile big and cheesily, get out the taser and start tasing.
"OW! OUCH! JESS. OW!! OUCH! STOP! NO JESS. JESS STOP! OW JESS! JESSILY TATIANA PAUL GET THE HELL OFF ME." He says pushing me off the bed. Sadly we were on the top bunk AND he pushed me hard AND the merch gun was right under us so when I fell of my head landed perfectly on the edge of the gun. BANG!! My head hurt so bad I felt like balling my eyes out. I tried to get up but failed miserably and fell straight back down. The last thing I remember is the twins both sprinting to my sides, Emilio pulling into his chest shaking me and telling me to open my eyes and Ivan screaming Jake. God I wish I didn't take their phones. I tried to tell them that he was out in the backyard but it made everything worse. Suddenly everything went black and I couldn't hear a single thing.


(A/N) Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first real chapter. I just wanted to tell you that the boy in the cover is coming in next story!! You guess😉❤️
Word count- 969 words

~ Tati 💕

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