Oh no..

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-by the way guys in this story, Aj is 19 as well-😂

Jess' POV

I wake up in the hospital and look to my right and see a boy with dirty blonde hair holding my hand and crying into it. He actually just looks like me, exactly like me. Except a boy version?
I look to my left and see two boys asleep on the ground. Ew I thought to myself. I mean, they're asleep on a hospital floor. That's gross.
I slip my hand out of the boys grip, but he doesn't move.
""Great three sleeping grown men in my room, strangers to be exact." I say to myself trying to get up. As soon as I stand up I fall to the ground and start crying from the pain. God I'm such a baby I think trying to get up. I failed once again and cried even harder. One of the boys on the ground shot up and crawled over to me quickly,picking me up bridal style and putting me back into my bed.
"Hey Jess, how ya feeling?" He says with a sympathetic look. How the hell does he know my name!?!
"I uh.. I feel, it ...umm, I don't... How the hell do you know my name and who the hell are you." I finally say. I hesitated at first but I had to ask. He looks at me hurt and confused. I don't care though because he's a complete stranger, right?
"Wh.. But. Wh-who am I?" He says tears forming in his eyes. At this point I feel terrible. What did I say to hurt him? I didn't mean too. Tears formed in my eyes, for some reason, I felt like a jerk and I didn't know why. The boy with dirty blonde hair slowly started waking up.
"Hey Chance, bro what's up?" He says sleepily. He doesn't even realise I'm there and it makes, I believe his name is Chance, cry even harder.
"Yo bro, wha-" he looks at me and stops immediately.
"Jess, you're awake. Thank goodness." He says and hugs me. I tense up and don't hug back, confused on what the hell is going on. He looks and me confused and opens his mouth to talk but I do first.
"Chance am I telling him or are you because I won't let this carry on." I say holding back a waterfall of tears, trying to stay strong in front of these boys.
"Bro sh- she d.. She." Chance stops caused from all the tears spilling out of his eyes.
"She what bro? Tell me."
Chance finally catches his breath and starts his sentence.
"Jake, she doesn't remember us, she doesn't remember any of us.'' He says bawling his eyes out once again. He goes back to where he was sleeping before and just lays there, crying, into space, while the brunette sleeps still.
I look back at I think Jake who is already just standing there crying, lots. But silently.
"Who am I to you and why don't I remember?" I say letting all the tears run down my face.
"You are my twin sister, you mean the world to me and everything changed yesterday when you fell off that bunk and hit your head. I love you so much Jessily Tatiana Paul and I swore to myself that if you didn't make it I would take my own life to be with you but in this situation I kinda just hope it's a prank." He just shrugs while tears stream down his face.
"I.. I'm- I'm sorry, Jake I don't think I can just remember my twin. Are you sure you're in the right hospital roo-" she gets cut off by Jake.
"YES I AM AND YOU ARE MY TWIN AND WE DID GROW UP WITH CHANTHONY AND..." He stops yelling and starts breathing heavy then out of no where drops to the ground and stops breathing. Of course out of all times, right now is when everything flows back into my brain.
"OH GOD NO WHATS HAPPENING JAKE? NO!! JAKE PLEASE GET UP!? CHANCE!! ANTHONY I SWEAR TO GOD!" I squeal at the top of my lungs freaking out. Chanthony get up and run over holding me while multiple doctors come into the room and start doing a whole bunch of medical stuff, biz, shit. Let me just remind you that I'm sitting on the other side of the room rocking on the ground crying in Chanthony's arms. I don't remember ANYTHING from the time of waking up yesterday morning, up to Jake dropping

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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