Break After College

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Break After College Graduation
BY Rayven Mari Nepomuceno

Have you thought of life after college graduation? Are you ready to say hello to adulting and all the responsibilities that come with it?

For graduating students, thinking of what will happen in those crucial months after graduation is panic-inducing. Questions like, "Are we going to immediately plunge into the real world by applying for jobs?" or "Do we still need more time in school to improve ourselves in our chosen field?" or "Are we pressured by the responsibilities we have set upon ourselves as members of our family wait with us for our graduation?" or "Are we so eager to practice what we have learned in school and apply in to the industry we intend to work?" haunt our minds. These are probably the staple thoughts that run in our heads all day and all night.

Millennials are afraid of not having that straight career path-a well-planned life after school. There's this one who has not yet decided, but is already in a rush to getting hired in a big company. Then there's another one who doesn't want to study anymore, but is still looking for graduate schools to attend be it master's, medical, or law school. There's also someone who really wants to be a doctor or a lawyer, but needs to help the family financially so they're obliged to work immediately and set aside one's goals.

Well, these are the millennials, the ones who want to explore the world, but don't have the means to do so. Maybe some of it were well-planned decisions, but the choice always goes back to that one question: Will it make me happy?

Maybe you need more time to think. Maybe you need a gap year.

The gap year is a year is time you spend away from all the pressures in life. It is intended to give you some much-needed Me Time so you can explore the life ahead of you minus the stress and pressures from the rest of the world. A gap year is about enjoying the time for yourself without worrying about deadlines for school or for your job. This is a time for individuals to travel, fulfill some of the items on their bucket lists, learn a new language, meet other people-basically, experience life more. A gap year is a break taken from study or work so an individual can pursue other interests, something that's really different from what they do regularly.

But why do we need a gap year? According to studies, taking a gap year after college is helpful to better prepare an individual before entering the workforce. It is an opportunity to gain professional or personal experience, achieve some specific goals, and explore personal interests.

Sounds great, right? Before taking a gap year, you should consider how various activities will help in developing them-personally, intellectually, spiritually, and maybe emotionally too-and open avenues to contribute to a good cause, gain a deeper understanding of the world, and develop enterprise, maturity, commitment and independence outside of formal education. And after a year, you must be ready to embrace and continue the life from where they left off with a better understanding of yourself and a better perspective of the world.


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