Chapter -1-

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Chapter -1-

Tori's P.o.V

"Slam my car door one more time and your walking to school," I threatened my best friend, Rosalinda Elizabeth Presner. She smiled. "Sorry, Tori. Force of habit." I sighed and let it slide.

"Why are you so sad anyway?" I shrugged and started walking towards the entrance if the school a little faster.

"Is it about your parents? They have been fighting none stop." I gave a small nod and averted my gaze to the pavement of the parking lot. She stepped in front of me, her blue eyes staring into mine.

"It'll get better. I promise." I gave her a small smile. "Come on, lets get to home room before we are late and get detention." I nodded and we walked silently to home room.

(Skipping to 3rd period)

I took my seat at the front of the room, chin resting on palm. 10 minutes have passed since the class started and already I wish I could get out of here as fast as possible. I hate Geometry. I thought it would be all shapes and formulas to find the volume, area, and circumference of the shapes/ spheres. It's a lot more than that...

I jumped when the door to the class room opened. Give me a break. I am a very jumpy person and I haven't gotten much sleep since my parents started fighting (Which was a week and 3 days ago). I stared in awe at the beautiful man that just entered the room. He was gorgeous. Blonde side-swept hair, green/ grey eyes, high cheek bones, small nose that fit perfectly on his round face, red, plump lips that looked soft to the touch, and freckles. He was so cute and hot that I just wanted to hug him. I didn't though knowing that it would be creepy and weird and i didn't want to scare him off before I even got the chance to befriend him. That probably wouldn't happen because he would probably turn into a shameless flirter, a playboy, a drug addict, a drug dealer or even a rapist, knowing the history of the city and the people who lived here and still do this very day.

I guess I should feel a bit guilty about judging him too quickly.

"Hello, who are you?" Mr. Dess asked. The new student stood awkwardly by the door.

"The new student. I just moved here." He had an American accent. The teacher nodded. "Would you like to tell the class a little about yourself." He gave a small nod.

"My name is Zachary Montgomery and I moved here from Arizona. I love to paint and play sports like basketball, soccer, and occasionally football." After he told us about himself, the teacher told him he could sit anywhere where there was an empty desk. There were only 3 empty desks. The one next to me, the one behind the one next to me, and the one in the very back of the room which I was positive he would take.

He has already taken his seat next to mine.


With the teacher's back turned, one of the many girls moved up a seat so she was directly behind him. Cindy Schneider. She was the head cheerleader and a bitch. She is a brunette and has like over 15 boyfriends. She was flirting and whispering words that another girl would never like to hear again in her life. Much to my surprise, he wasn't paint any attention to her. Even when she rubbed his arm and whispered something seductive into his ear. He rolled his eyes and turned to me. I quickly looked away before he could catch me staring at him.

"Do you have a pencil I can borrow?" I looked at him and he was smiling, showing off his teeth.

Damn they were white.

I shyly nodded and opened my pencil case. I dug around for a pencil and handed it to him. His smile only grew as he began to scribble down notes. When the bell rang signaling it was time for use to leave, I grabbed my things and instantly got up and was out of the classroom before the teacher was done talking.

That. was. Awkward....

I went to my locker and opened it. I was panting from practically running down the hall. When I turned my head, Rosalinda was talking with the new guy, no doubt flirting. I rolled my eyes at her obnoxious behavior. She has a boyfriend! I guess she forgot. When she said good-bye to him, she came over to me.

"Hey. Did you see the new guy? He's so hot." I raised an eyebrow. "You have a boyfriend," I reminded her. Her face fell and she looked to the ground.

"Uh... Y-yeah. I still have Dylan...." I furrowed my eyebrows but before I can ask anything more, she turned and walked away.

(A/N: sorry it's short, sorry if it's happening too fast, and sorry that it's a filler. I am working hard on this story and I hope you like it. Bye Huggle Fewls

Huggle-Hug(s) Fewl-Fool(s) :D)

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