Chapter -2-

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Chapter -2-

"Rosalinda why didn't you tell me?" I was waving my hands in the air and shaking them around like a crazy person. She looked every where but my eyes.

"Because I thought you would think little of me?" What the fuck? Why would she think that? Boyfriends come and go, it's normal.

"Rosie, boyfriends come and go and Dylan is just stupid and retarded. If he can't see your importance, then that's his problem. Why did he break up with-"

"-He didn't break up with me, he cheated on me with Cindy." My eyes widened.

"What?! He has been nothing but loyal to you for two whole years and he goes ahead and cheats on you, just like that? That doesn't make sense. There has to be a better reason than that." She shrugged but kept pacing around her room. If you are wondering, I am at Rosalinda's house because I don't want to put up with the swearing, yelling, and slapping.

Don't ask...

"Did you listen to his half of the story?" She shook her head 'no'. "Once I saw them, I gasped and he heard me. He tore Cindy off of him and said that it's not what I think but I was crying so hard I couldn't understand what else he said." I groaned at her idiocy. I have to either get them back together or find her another man but the thing is, I don't think she is quite ready to move on but when she is, I will play match maker. Hopefully the next day will be better.

(Skipping to School, sorry ^.~)

I massaged my temples, feeling a head ache coming on. Ugh! I hate Geometry. I have a burning hate for it. If I could, I would take a sledge hammer and beat the shit out of it which is physically impossible...

"Psst." My ears perked up at the strange noise. "Psst." I turned my head to the right and saw Zach looking at me.


"Here is your pencil back." I looked at the pencil in his hands and looked back up to him, studying his face for a bit.

"That's alright, you can have it." He kindly smiled, his teeth shining. Ugh. Damn him and his super white teeth.

"Tori, do you have something to tell the rest of the class?" On cue, every single person was looking at me.

"N-no?" Mr. Dess didn't look satisfied but he left it alone and turned back to the white board. A sigh of relief washed over my face. When I looked at Zach, he was writing something on a piece of paper. He caught my eye and smiled his adorable grin. He handed the paper to me.

Note: Sorry for getting you into trouble. Forgive me?

I glanced at him and he was still smiling at me. I smirked and wrote down my reply.

Tori: Sure. What's with you and wanting to talk to me? Wouldn't you want to talk to Cindy and her friends?

I handed him the paper and his eyebrows furrowed as he read the note. Soon enough, he scribbled a reply.

Zach: Who is Cindy?

Tori: The girl who sat beside you yesterday and was whispering things to you.

When I gave him the note, I almost died seeing his reaction. His eyes bulged out of their sockets and for a second I thought he was gonna throw up. A little giggle escaped my lips. Luckily the teacher didn't hear. I would get into more trouble.

Zach: NO! Ew, she is weird. Is that how she gets her boy toys? That's discusting. Who the fuck asks if She could sit on my face so I could Choo Choo? I'm sorry but that isn't right. Does that work on the other guys? Please say no.

Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Don't fucking laugh.

He saw me trying to hold in my laughter. Amusement flickered in his eyes.

Zachary's P.o.V

Cole is gonna be so proud of me, I just know it. She is adorable and very beautiful but I am gonna win her heart and crush her soul one way or another. Seeing her almost explode from holding in her laughter made me very amused. Who wouldn't want to see a girl explode into bits and pieces from not laughing for so long?

Okay, maybe I am fucked up in the head, not Cindy. Then again, Cindy and I are neck and neck. When the bell rang I grabbed my stuff and waited for Tori to grab her things. Once she did, we walked out of the classroom together.

"I know we don't know each other well enough but I think we can be friends?" She smiled and nodded. Step 1 is completed. I can't wait for step 2: Earn her trust. Step 3 is get her to be my girlfriend. Step 4 is to break her heart. And step 5 is to bring it to Cole.

When we got to her locker, a girl was walking our way. What was her name again? Sophie-

"Rosie!" Oh...yeah. I turned to see a grinning Tori and Rosie. Rosie was very beautiful too. Blue eyes, bleach blonde hair, and freckles. My type of woman. Tori on the other hand, had dirty blonde hair,hazel eyes, and no freckles. Both were beautiful and had a nice body. Why not darken both souls?

One woman at a time, Zach.

I forced a smile to both Rosie and Tori.

"Oh hey, Zach." Rosie said as if she just acknowledged my appearance. "What brings you here?" She batted her eyelashes. I forced an eye roll. If I want Tori to like me, don't be disrespectful to her friends and family.

"Oh you know, just hanging with my friend." I draped my arm over Tori's shoulder. Tori smiled. "Oh. Rosie, I may be over your house tonight. Do your parents mind?"

"Of course not, Tori. Your practically family." Tori hugged Rosie. "Zach let me see your schedule." I gave Tori and Rosie my schedule and let their eyes roam every inch. Tori's face brightened up.

"You have next period, art with me and you have gym, Science and Geometry with me." Tori sounded so happy. I can't wait until I earn her trust.

"And you have History, English, and Reading with me." Rosie sounded a bit bummed that Tori and I were in an extra class together. We said our good-byes to Rosie and left for art before we are late and get a detention.

(A/N: This is a little more suspenseful than the first chapter. Sorry for it being short

;(. I personally like this one better. I love using Zach's P.o.V better because I can write for hours using Zach's P.o.V and it will take me a bit longer to think of thing's for Tori's P.o.V. Thanks for reading. Bye Hughle Fewls. :)


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2014 ⏰

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