pretty much what is stated in the title. I'm probably just a stuck up English girl who just wishes to complain about how shit her country is, especially now with Brexit and the hung parliament
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Would it being totally stereotypical if I said that a problem with being British was the weather?
Funnily enough, it is.
The weather is horrendous, it's the most temperamental thing on this planet. I wish I was lying, but sadly I'm not.
Just when you think that the weather is perfect, it decides to screw you up the arse and throw you to wolves, like you are just a piece of meat. (this was too brilliant to change, go 15 y/o me)
I should probably expand a little more.
So one moment you plan to go out, you style your hair into a somewhat decent fashion, wear shorts and crop top if you're feeling rather adventurous, still living in the 2013 style with the thigh high scocks, and you look outside and what do you know? It's raining, absolutely 'chucking' it down. One minute it is nice and calm and then that has been flushed down the drain with all your other hopes and dreams.
Is it really necessary to mess with the plans that you had currently made just so that the clouds that seem to constantly hover over Britain to precipitate at the exact moment you were wishing to actually step outside.
Now, I am constantly being told to go out and be with my friends but how the fuck am I when it's raining? I am not going to risk getting a bloody cold just for the sake of having a 'life', I'd rather be insanely antisocial than deal with another stuffed nose.
However, when it's sunny, it's a heatwave. I'm actually being serious, as of right now 15:51 19/06/2017 some parts of Britain have been placed on amber warning due to the heat. Fun. It is 26 degrees Celsius and I am actually melting, my fan is not doing anything to help, it's just blowing warm air onto me.
I understand due to Global Warming, the weather system is not how it used to be, but seriously? Putting us in a heatwave with no escape anywhere is highly unfair. (because global warming is a being and can do that, Jesus how could anyone read this without cringing)(shout out to Green Party who wish to decrease global temperature by 2 degrees, insanely optimistic, largely a shot in the dark)
Now, people around the world think that we over exaggerate. I mean, how can the weather be that bad for an Island in the northern hemisphere?
Well it's really freaking bad. Like I said, I wish I was joking. Now I know it's not as hot as the Sahara desert, not as cold as the Arctic and not as raining like it is during a hurricane, but give us some credit. We are a tiny Island compared to other countries, it is pretty uneventful.
I mean it's not everyday Prince George is born (throwback).
Yet, the weather can kindly go suck a lemon, can we just have a cool day without having to worry if we should change our plans. Even I want to go out sometimes.
I wish I could bitch slap the weather straight so we could have actually decent weather without worrying if we will get hypothermia or skin cancer or sun stroke. (it's hyperthermia when it's an increase in temperature, how much stuff can I actually get wrong)
I have contemplated the thought of flying out of the nest and migrating to another country, but oddly enough the weather here is kinda to my liking. I love the cold and the rain, it's just the heat I have a problem with, so ultimately leaving for another country to be somewhere warm would be un-beneficial for me.