Tagged Take 2

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Tagged Take 2-A Creative Title at the Beginning

O.o I was tagged again...

Thanks @AngelsKnightsMare!


1 You must post 13 facts about yourself

2 You must post these rules

3 You must do the challenge

4 It should be done in a week

5 You must do it as a chapter in a book, not the comment section

6 Tag other(s)

7 Make a side dare that the people you tag must do

8 You must have a creative title at the beginning


1 Blue-Eyed Demon

I have been told several times by multiple people that my eyes are scary. One of the said people asked why I always use makeup to make the scariest part of me look bigger, when the only makeup I ever wear is mascara and eyeliner to make my eyes bigger (and maybe lip gloss... shut up).

I've taken to making my eyeliner a bit more dramatic to enhance my glares.

2 All nighters? No problem!

I can skip an entire night rest and still function normally. Sleep isn't necessary for me to be my version of normal, but I do try to sleep as much as possible. After all, my insomnia is the reason I do not need sleep.

I literally can't sleep.


3 By the Dawn's Early Light

I was born in, raised in, and have never left the United States of America. I used to like my country but with our current president, the flaws seem to be growing...

If you are part of one of the many groups my country seems to target I am sorry. I do not agree with most of my politicians and I have my own opinion on everything. Please do not assume I am just like the rest of the awful Americans.

4 *throws grenade and watches as my enemies go flying*

I love playing video games. My favorites are usually creation games such as Sims, but I do play a fair share of fighting games.

Yes, I have tried to play Assassin's Creed.

Yes, I failed miserably and gave the game back to my brother.

5 Stomach a-rumbling

I hate the thought of eating meat. I think of it as charred flesh, and it disgusts me. I can eat eggs, milk or cheese without an existential crisis, and sometimes even seafood, but I must force myself to eat anything else when I can't afford the vegetarian substitutes.

(Which is stupid I should be able to afford the food I want)

6 Scrubba-Dub-Dub

I love cleaning and folding laundry, but I hate using my time to do it. I hate doing household tasks when I feel like I could/should be doing something else. If I could stop time temporarily, I'd clean my whole house.

Yes, I have stayed up until 4 am cleaning something so I don't waste daytime.


I can read fast. It's a gift I inherited from my mother, but sadly I did not get her memory so I usually have to reread a page several times before I realize what it says.

It's frustrating.

8 Page-turner

I love reading books. I have several favorite series and singular books and of course the typical 'must-read' pile of books in my bedroom.

I can read them all in a week but I have a life and stuff too...

9 Mmm

My favorite deserts are Ice Cream (which I have an unhealthy obsession with) Cake, Pie... Basically anything sweet, I most likely love to eat.

(And no it's not a problem... It's not that much of a problem at least...)

10 Nosey

I do not have a good sense of smell!

I'm not sure why exactly, but whenever I smell something for the first time I can't ever smell it again. Thing's I smelled when I was young I have no idea what they smell like now.

The most annoying thing is when I ask 'what does this smell like?' and someone says 'it smells like ___'

That doesn't help.

I do not know what ___ smells like.

I want you to describe the smell itself not say 'it smells like a smell'


11 Speaking of senses...

My eyes are one step away from being legally blind. I must wear glasses or contacts to see more than colorful blurs of light, and it isn't fun.


I love creating different storylines. I have many ideas and I hope to publish some of them as books someday. I don't usually share them, as I don't want them to be stolen, but I have them.

And I will publish them someday.

But I won't abandon my Fanfiction account because writing will always be a part of me even if it isn't with my characters.

BUUUT I won't write as quickly when I'm publishing real books with pages and hard covers...

And drawing my own fanart...

(Don't judge me)

13 Equality

I believe everyone, regardless of sexuality, gender, religion or race, is equal. The only thing that makes you worse or better, in my opinion, is believing someone isn't equal.

People can be who they want and do what they want and as long as they aren't a criminal or a jerk, you are okay in my book.

So yes, I am a feminist. I support pro-choice and gay rights. I believe that the idea that 'colored people should go back to their own country' (WTF USA?) is wrong.

And if you disagree then you can leave without leaving a hateful comment, as I will delete it.

I dare you to include a drawing: whether it's yours or a favorite of yours on the internet. Tag me so I can see, please!

Now to tag someone!

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