Chapter 3

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GRAESON WAS speeding further and further away from their territory, danger looming closely overhead the further they got into the heart of the city.

They had been driving for nearly two hours with Vince having no idea were they were headed to. He was afraid to ask as Graeson looked as tense as he had when they left. His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, his eyes darting to the rearview window every few seconds.

Vincent leaned back into his seat and looked out the window at the passing forest scenery.

They had left just as suddenly as they had arrived. He didn't even say goodbye to Alex, the closest thing to a friend he had ever had.

Graeson always said the best life for them was one they could live and leave without leaving a trace of themselves behind. Getting too close to people gave you a vulnerability that your enemies could exploit.

Alex was one of the many secrets he had kept hidden from Graeson. They used to go to the city together at night and break into houses that seemed to contain whatever they were looking for at the moment.

Other times they would hike the mountains and watch the glittering, surreal city lights lining the horizon munching on whatever scrap of food they found for the day.

His thoughts returned to Graeson who had not uttered a word since the moment they had left. The feeling of heavy dread was like a stain that kept growing in the heavy silence.

To ease the tension he turned on the radio.

He wished he hadn't.

-fugitive who robbed nearly fifty million credits from Crestmont mansion Tuesday morning after murdering a twenty-three year old Noble, James Evan, is still believed to be on the run. Authorities are still working on identifying the suspect who is currently #1 on the Peace Maintenance Forces most wanted list. Rewards for catching the fugitive are five million credits and-

"Fifty-million credits? Murder?"
I spluttered in disbelief.

"They are getting desperate. As far as I am concerned there is no record of you ever existing here in Britannia. No ID, no fingerprint records and no birth records. They probably realized how hard its going to be to track you down so they sent the whole country after you in a manhunt," Graeson informed me calmly.

Seeing the look on my face he added, "I trained you to be level-headed to survive any situation you fall into. This is no different. I knew this day was going to come so I am going to do everything in my power to keep you safe."

"When are you going to tell me what you trained me for Gray, what exactly I am going to be surviving," I said softly.

"When the Elite I ran into was litterly frying my brain, the first person I thought of was you. I-I thought I was going to die without ever knowing what awaited me on my seventeenth birthday," Vince choked out.

Graeson looked pained, "I-

Before he could continue the window behind them exploded.

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