Chapter 11 *edited*

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Katherine's pov

I sat there shocked completely I didn't even notice that we had been moved to the living room. I was just staring at him he looked almost the Same since the last time I saw him. He looked a little scared I'm not really sure why though.

"How can it be" I asked "where have you been"

"that night the hunters took me, they trained me and when they believed they tried to brainwash me into thinking that I wasn't a werecat" he said "but they failed I remembered everything. I knew what I was and the promise I had made so I finally escaped and came looking for you but when I got close to you they where right on my tail I tried leading them away but they still found you" he said.
I could hear the guilt coating his words.

"so that's why you came back to protect me" I asked he nodded his head I got up and hugged him. He hesitated for a second and than hugged me back.

"I missed you little sis" he whispered

"little? your only older then me by a second" I said looking at him with a serious expression on my face. If it wasn't clear he's my twin. He stars laughing really loud. It brought a smile to my face its nice having my big brother back.

"It's nice to have you back" I said smiling, he looked skeptical but then smiled happily. I looked over at Daniel who was watching me carefully like I was going to break or something.

Daniels pov

I watch Katherine with with her brother. I'm happy she has him back she looks happy and a little surprised. Maybe I should leave them alone for a bit. I looked at Katherine and she looks so breakable and week from the tranquilizer dart that hit her earlier.

""""""""""""""A few hours later"""""""

Katherine's pov

I'm currently laying with Daniel in his bed watching him sleep and not in a creepy way.

He's sooooo cute when he sleeps he whimpers every time I pull away or try to get up and it's adorable. oh god listen to me last week I never wanted to find my mate and now I don't think I could survive without him. I'm hooked and that only makes it more dangerous for him and this pack. The hunters know where I am now and they won't stop until I'm dead.

I climb out if bed and can't help but smile when Daniel reaches for me and frowns when he can't find me. I watch as he grabs the pillow I was sleeping on and pulls it to him and sniffs the pillow too cute.

I walk out onto his balcony what am I going to do? normally I would just leave town but I don't think that's an option this time. Daniel will come after me and the pack I can't leave them I'm their luna now. But I have to look out for them to. I lean over the side of the balcony and look up at the moon.



I have been working on this chapter forever sorry guys I had a huge case of writers block but here u go and I'll try and update soon I may start a new book I'm not sure yet

Werecat & werewolf (Editing) #watties2016Where stories live. Discover now