And it all comes Crashing Down

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Santana's POV

"This is it!" I squeal excitedly as we walk to our lockers. I look down the hall and see a few people whispering about me. But it's not as bad as it was when I first was outed.
Ignoring it I turn to Brittany and continue to rave. "Ahhh only two more weeks of school! I'm so excited to be off to New York with Berry and Porcelain." She sighs and unlocks her locker. "Babe, I still don't know where I'm going. You have NYADA, I might be stuck here." She says quietly, putting away her thick calculus book.
"Don't worry Britt, you've got your interview in a couple of days for the dance school. We won't be separated okay?" I say trying to reassure her. Brittany hadn't been accepted into NYADA because they claimed that they 'didn't need anymore math geniuses' but I didn't believe them.
Britts more than just her brains, yeah she's incredibly smart but she can also sing and dance! The way she moves is breath taking, and every time I see her dance I fall a little more for her. And her voice, when she sings... well there aren't any words for it. She's amazing.
"Hey look at me" I lift her chin and turn her towards me. "It'll all be okay. You'll get accepted into the school and we will be within driving distance, we can live together and... and we'll be happy."
"No more people to judge us, no more people staring. Just me and you babe... it'll all be fine." I pull her into a hug and she cuddles into my neck. "I love you" I smile and hug her tighter. "I love you too Britt."


I wait in the doorway while everyone says goodbye to Brittany. She'll only be gone for three day but it's still a long time. Everyone wishes her luck and she thanks them, before she leaves she approaches Mr.Shue and hugs him.
She smiles and walks towards me, I hold out my hand and she grabs it smiling. "Ready to go?" I ask while leading her through the empty halls. "Yeah... I'm so nervous. I wish you could come... maybe if they saw how awesome my girlfriend was they'd let me in."
I laugh and hold the door open for her. "Britt you don't need me to get into that school! You are so talented... in the preforming arts and in academics! Your going to pass this audition with flying colors!"
She suddenly stops in the middle of the parking lot, letting go of my hand. "Why would colors fly?" She asks, her brow furrowed in confusion. I shake my head chuckling and walk back to her.
"You're going to do great, don't worry okay? It'll just make you anxious and that's never good for a performance." I grab her hand again and give her a peck on the cheek. She grins and starts to walk to my car again.
I pull open the car door for her and let her slide in before going to my side and slipping in next to her. I start the car and back out of the school parking lot. She sits behind me silently for a couple of minutes until she gasps.
Confused I look around on the road but there isn't a car in sight. "What is it babe?" I ask confused. "Sometimes I forget to wear underwear" she mutters wide-eyed.
Glancing down at her short Cheerios uniform I start to go wide-eyed as well. "Britt are you wearing underwear?" She just shrugs and I'm left dumbfounded. Apparently my girlfriend doesn't wear underwear? I think to myself.
I start to panic as I realize this may be why the guys are always looking at her ass. "How often do you forget?" She continues to look out the window and replies calmly. "Not a lot. My uniforms too itchy to forget."
Sighing in relief I pull into the airport parking lot and drive around slowly looking for a spot to park. When I've finally found one I pull in, careful not to hit the cars to either side.
I switch off the engine and look to Brittany. "This is it babe, time to go." She looks at me with tears in her eyes
"I don't wanna be the reason we fall apart."
"Babe! No, you are going to do this! Okay? You've got this and no one is going to stop you." Leaning in I pull her into a soft kiss. "You're gonna do great." She smiles and wipes the tears from her eyes and clears her voice.
We both get out of the car and I hand her the small black suitcase. "Call me when you land okay?" I say sadly. "I'll miss you. Call me when your auditions over too, I wanna hear how you do."
She smiles and takes the bag from my hand. "Okay, I love you and I'll miss you too" I pull her in for one last hug and kiss her slowly, savoring the taste of her strawberry lipstick.
She pulls away and drops the bag to the ground, pulling out the handle and starts to roll it behind her. She waves goodbye and blows me a kiss. I pretend to catch it and hold it to my heart. "Good luck!" I yell after her and she chuckles continuing to the elevator.


I drive home in silence glancing at the clock. Her plane will land at eight o'clock tonight. Just four more hours... I think to myself. I pull back into the school parking lot and hurry back into class to catch the last few minutes of glee club.
    I watch smiling as Mike and Tina dance and sing. As soon as the bell rings I rush out of class with Quinn and we head to algebra. "Did you do the homework?" I ask trying to ignore the hockey jocks staring at me.
     "Only half... I got bored." We step into the classroom and make our way through the groups of students, sitting near the back. The bell rings and the teacher comes back on trying to settle the class down before writing the page numbers on the board.
     I pull out my notebook and glance at the time on my phone. Sighing I slide it back in and pull out my homework, handing it to the teacher as he walks by. I pull my book open and start the problem.


      I lay on my stomach while doing my homework on my bed, every couple of minutes glancing at my phone to see if Brittany had called yet. It's five past ten before I start to worry. I turn back to my Spanish homework when my phone starts to buzz.
     Picking it up quickly I see Brittanys name flashing across the screen. Smiling I answer it and say hello. "Hey babe. Sorry it took so long to call... the airport got backed up." I hear the ding of an elevator and suitcases rolling.
     "Oh it's okay. How was your flight?" I ask and start to hear a fizzing sound. "Hey babe I love you... but I'm about to lose connection. I'll call you later?" As the call starts fading in and out I quickly say goodbye. "Okay! Love you"
    As the call ends I set my phone down gently and finish up my homework. I sigh as I still haven't heard from Brittany and it's been two hours. I decided to go shower and get ready for bed.
     When I get out of the shower the digital clock in my room reads 12:47. I check my phone and see a message from Quinn and a call from Rachel, but nothing from Brittany. Putting it back down I get changed for bed.


     As Quinn and I walk through the halls on our way to algebra again Becky runs towards us. "Santana, coach Sue needs you in her office right away" with that she turns back around and runs off again. Confused I say goodbye to Quinn and walk towards Sues office.
    As I enter I see coach sitting at her desk and Mr.Shue standing near a TV. "Have a seat Santana" she says while motioning to the seat in from of her desk. Confused I sit and place my books on the ground.
     "I'm afraid we have some bad news" even more confused I look to Mr.Shue hoping for some sort of explanation. He looks at me sadly and switches on the TV to a frozen screen of the news. As he presses play I gasp as I see a car crash.
    It then switches to the news forecast and says they will be back after the break. As Mr.Shue skips through the commercials I look to Sue. "Why did you show me that?" I'm confused as hell when I hear the sound come back.
    I turn back to the TV and they replay the crash. 'Just last night there was a two car collision in New York near the dance school of NYC. There were six passengers involved. Three uninjured, two dead and one still in critical condition.'
     'Today we honor Jimmy Stewart and Brittany Pierce as they were lost late last night due to the unfortunate events of last night.' As soon as I hear her name I start to cry and jump up. Mr.Shue tries to stop me but I'm already running.

Hope you liked it❤️ this is a short story so probably another 1 or 2 parts.

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