Through my Eyes

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Quinn's POV

      I gasp as I see a paled Santana lying in a pool of red, as the rest of the gang piles in they quiet at the sight of her naked body. Mr.Shue and Mrs.Pillsberry push to the front and both stop at the sight.
     Finally being ripped out of our shock Finn dials 911 and starts to rattle off information. Mr.Shue scoops up her body and her body is limp, he lays her on a towel Puck had laid down and wrapped it around her.
     He scoops her back up and rushes out, running, but it seems like everything is in slow motion. I lost my two best friends in the course of two days.

Rachel's POV

     I look at the pictures hanging up around the bathroom and smell a mix of a harsh but sweet smell. I pick up an empty bottle of strawberry shampoo, the one Brittany used. 
      No one expected Santana to go on this kind of destructive path.

Finns POV

     I shuffle through the items thrown across her bed, there where photographs, small items, clothes, and a note book. Picking it up I read the first page and instantly drop the book.
I could have stoped this.

Pucks POV

    I watch as Finn's face drops as he reads a small pink notebook, he instantly drops it and falls to the ground burying his face in his hands.
     I pick up the book and read what upset him, it was a suicide note. Santana Lopez was done fighting, she was too tired... and now she's gone.

Artie's POV

      I sit downstairs with the rest of the gang because Mr.Shue didn't want to bombard Santana. We make small talk with her parents as we wait for her slim figure to march her down the stairs.
     What we didn't expect was to see her being carried, wrapped in a towel, down the stairs with the rest of the gang following with red eyes.

Santana's Mothers POV

    I sit next to my husband making small talk with the members of the club while the others went to go get Santana. We don't normally bother her when she gets home from school, she hates when we invade her privacy.
     When I see her teacher appear at the top of the stairs I didn't expect to see her being carried in a towel with blood dripping from her legs and arms. I scream at the sight and fall back into my husbands arms.

Mercedes POV

      I watch as Mr and Mrs. Lopez pile into the ambulance with Santana, Puck approaches us all and hands Rachel a small spiral notebook. She quickly reads it and the tears seem to fall quicker.
      It's passed to each member of the group until it reaches me. It feels like I've been hit by a bus, the girl I knew wasn't the same girl who wrote this. She was the broken, vulnerable version of Santana that she never let anyone see.

Kurts POV

     We all pile into our separate cars and head towards the hospital. It's like a train of sorrow as we follow one by one down the street, Santana Lopez, the girl who was singing happily just a mere three days ago is now fighting for her life. But the thing is... she's not fighting anymore.

Blaines POV

     New directions sits silently in the small waiting room, waiting restlessly to find out what happened to Santana. She didn't seem like a nice person, and maybe she wasn't but there was a part of her that was nice, kind, loving.
     Or at least for Brittany there was, I mean that girls heart beat for Brittany S Pierce, it was perfect. They were perfect, Brittany made Santana world turn. Was it so much of a shock she would have followed her?

Okay I lied there is going to be one more part after this one. Also it's very jumpy to make it seem like their minds are racing and their thoughts are jumbled. I hope you enjoyed. Maybe comment share and vote? Feedback is appreciated🖤

You Told Me to Hold on but I can't   (Brittana au)Where stories live. Discover now