Goodbye Brittana

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Quinn's POV

     I'm handed a service paper as I walk through the doors with Sam, I look down to see Britt and San together. San was always the happiest when she was with Brittany. I knew it from day one, I knew they'd always be together, I just didn't think they'd be gone so soon.

Sam's POV

     My arm is linked with Quinn's as we walk into the spacious church and sit with the rest of New Directions. Even though I wasn't close to Santana and she always made fun of my lips she was an amazing singer, and when Brittany and her paired up to dance.
     Well they were an unstoppable couple. This hit Quinn really hard, they'd been friends since third grade, they had been through everything together. Now, when she needs them most, they aren't here.

Artie's POV

    I roll into the church with Kurt and Mercedes and greet the rest of the gang. Things are going to be different, really different. Santana wasn't nice, she wasn't kind or anything. She manipulated Brittany when she was with me and always fought with Rachel.
    But the room will be quiet without her and I'll miss Brittanys odd remarks. When we separated I knew it'd be okay because she wasn't going anywhere, boy was I wrong.

Mercedes POV

As the service starts the sound of muffled cries fill the spacious room. The pastor introduces each of their parents one by one and they all go up together. "Our girls were close, we knew that and um" she grips her husband and cries into his shoulder while Brittanys mother takes over.
"They were inseparable since third grade, they called themselves the holy trinity I think." "The unholy trinity" Quinn says quietly. She chuckles and continues. "Yes... the unholy trinity. Always together and I'm- they will always be in our hearts."


     As Mrs. and Mr. Pierce and Lopez walk down from the alter I'm called up. Emma gives me an encouraging look and hands me the worn piece of paper. I take it in my hands and slowly make my way to the front.
I clear my throat and begin. "I'm Will, Will Schuester. I've been Santana and Brittanys glee and Spanish teacher for the past four years. I've grown to know these amazing girls and I can say I will miss them forever. Um"
I start to choke up and my eyes tear as I look at Santana's hand writing. Clearing my throat once more I begin reading Santana's final words out loud.
"This-these were Santana's final words to everyone. 'I miss my Brittany, everyday we'd spend together and a day without her feels like a year. I miss her voice in my ears, I miss her dancing in front of me. Every cell in my body misses her.'"
"'I miss my unicorn, the smell of her shampoo, the way she would always convince me to try and be nice. When you love someone like I loved her, they're apart of you. It's like you're attached by this invisible tether and no matter how far away you are, you can always feel them.'"
"'And now anytime I reach for that tether I know there is no one on the other end and I feel like I'm falling into nothingness. I miss her so much, it feels like a piece of me was ripped off. Just once more I want to hold her, ten more seconds is that too much to ask?'"
"'But I can't, and I won't unless I follow her into the light, Brittany is waiting for me. And soon I will have the light of my day back in my life. I love you all and I want to thank each and everyone of you for accepting me for who I was.'"
"'My life would've been incomplete without you. So for now, goodbye, me and Britt will see you soon.'" At this point everyone is in tears and soon there is a hand on my back. I look to see Sue standing next to me.
I look her in the eyes and she carefully grabs the note from me. "'As my final goodbye I ask one more thing, play the iPod and sing so I can hear your voices once more before I leave.'"
I fish the small pink box out of my suit pocket and connect it to the speaker. As soon as it starts to play everyone joins in singing.

You Told Me to Hold on but I can't   (Brittana au)Where stories live. Discover now