A torn lady

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This story is a rewrite of "A Rose for Emily" by william faulkner. This was written for a class so I left my ending notes and This is a link to the story mine is based off of. I claim no rights to William Faulkner's story. enjoy.



            My father DIED and now he wants to rip out my heart! How could a man be such a beast!  This is just what I get for being wooed by a Yankee.  Why couldn’t father save me from this hurt, why did those nasty men from town take away my father?  I cannot let another man leave me. I am noble as a woman can be, men should swoon over me. The women in town are heartbroken over my failed chance at marriage. I don’t think my love has failed; just he is scared to stay with me.

                It takes me a day or two to work over the plan. I will love him forever in my own way. I dress up in m good dress with the help of the old family Negro. My purse is tightly gripped to my chest for fear it may fall loose.  I hold my head proudly as the street stones slap against my shoes. Some of the town ladies look at me and whisper.

                Confident as ever, I walk straight into the drug store. No woman is as high of class as I am. To talk to the man behind the counter I have to lower myself to his level. I look at the man and say “I want some poison.”

                “Yes, Madam Emily. What kind? For rats and such?”

                “I want the best you have. I don’t care what kind.”

                The druggist blabbered on and I picked up very little.

                Finally I stated “Arsenic, Is that a good one?”

                “Is… arsenic? Yes ma’am.”

                “I want arsenic.”

                The druggist had the audacity to look at me in the eye. The man’s mouth moved but I just stared at him until he left me. Moments later a small Negro boy brought out a package for me. The label on it showed a skull and bones labeled: “For rats”.

                My love left town! How would he dare do such a thing!?! I swear I will not lose another man! “Negro! I have a task. Find Homer Barron and invite him over for a nice dinner with myself.  Tell him that I have a present for him.”

                The old Negro left wordless. The week passed by like a whirlwind and finally my servant came back. He told me Baron would come over that night. I went to the kitchen and began to cook a meal for two. One of the finest and only meals I have ever made and all for my love, Mr. Baron. The dessert is extra special.

                My Baron came calling late that night.  I had my servant treat him like royalty as he walks in. We sat down to a candle lit dinner for two, everything was hand made by myself for him. I stare into his deep eyes as he digs in. He does not wait for me but just starts to eat.

                “You know, I really care about you Mr. Baron.” Baron does not even seem to hear me but just keeps eating. “I think you have caught me in your trap. I am falling for you.”

                The baron just holds up his glass and slurs “Can I get some more of this wine?” I personally refill his glass. He just keeps eating and drinking. Finally my patience runs thin.  I let my Negro now is the time for dessert.

                The dessert is a southern classic, apple pie and I baked it with special cinnamon for my love. “I also made desert Mr. Baron, if you were hungry enough to eat a slice with me.”

                I never had to invite him to eat, he just dug right in. I went to bed before he finished, just like the good lady I am.

                The next morning and I awoke to find that Baron decided to stay the night on my couch. He is so handsome that I brushed his hair as he slept. I found the Negro up and ready for my beck and call. I had him move Mr. Baron into the attic where father would not find him or the other ladies learn that he now lives with me.

                The next few days were amazing, every day me and Mr. Baron would talk and sometimes cuddle because father would not notice.  I am so happy with that man I could explode. Though no one wants me to be happy, neither my father nor even the people that live around me.

                I hear the people talk and my Negro tells me of the happenings in the town. They think that my house smells. They want to call the police but this is my property, I have done what I wanted on it for my entire life.

                I sat up thinking that night, thinking hard with the light on in the background. That’s when I saw those hooligans! They thought they could spy upon me and my house!  There were four of them that snuck around my home.  I should have called them in but I am just so horrified the police allowed them to do such a thing as sneak up to a woman’s house!

                I prepared for bed after that and made my Negro set lime about the house as to help remove whatever smell is there. That seems to help for a time.

                I lived there with Mr. Baron for some time when the town tried to make me pay a tax.  I ignore it because my father had a deal that I need not pay taxes in this town. They keep insisting that I must, sending more and more letters even bringing a sheriff to my front door and asking me if I knew.

                That is was a week ago, when the council came to my house. They asked where my taxes where and I stated the truth in a dry tasteless voice. “I have no taxes in Jefferson. Colonel Sartoris told me. Perhaps you could find this out for yourselves.”

                “But we have, we are the city authorities. Did you not hear all this before?”

                “I have received a paper. And maybe the man you sent to me considers himself sheriff. I have no taxes in Jefferson.”

                The man blabbed on, finally angered I state “See Colonel Sartoris. I have no taxes in Jefferson.  Please leave my property.”

                That night I lay with Mr. Baron, my love. I nearly fall asleep but I take a short walk down my stairs nearby my room. I fall into a deep sleep.


                This is very different from the original story and it is clear why she kept Emily’s knowledge a secret.  She kept it secret because if it was from Emily’s point of view then it would be a story about a crazy person living a lie. In her own story it is more like how the town views a lady that never talks to anyone else. My re-write is not even close to as good as the original.

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