Creepypasta: Ticci-Toby x reader

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"Partners In Crime"
(feat. Ash Costello)

You'll never take us alive
We swore that death will do us part
They'll call our crimes a work of art
You'll never take us alive
We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners
Partners in crime
Partners in crime

Y/N. P.o.v

Walking in into the dark ally I close my eyes and lean against the wall. ~He changed me. But its better I stay with him.~ I was waiting for my secret boyfriend, Toby Rodgers. He was my everything. I met him in this ally after I ran away. After that I became reckless. I even robbed a bank. Hey a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. I feel a hoodie wrap around my body and I smile. "I've been waiting."

This, the tale of reckless love, living a life of crime on the run,
I brush to a gun to paint these states green and red,
Everybody freeze, nobody move, put the money in the bag or we will shoot,
Empty out the vault and me and my doll will be on our way,

Our paper faces flood the streets,
And if the heat comes close enough to burn then we'll play with fire 'cause...

You'll never take us alive
We swore that death will do us part
They'll call our crimes a work of art
You'll never take us alive
We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners
Partners in crime
Partners in crime

 "Had to loose masky and hoodie. They got curious and I won't let them know about you." I laugh and hug him. "How's your food supply? Are you eating enough? Have the cops got close?!" "I'm fine Toby! They don't suspect a thing. Besides I know how to cover my tracks." "Has your computer gone glitchy?" "Actually yeah...why?" "Shit... Listen my friends have been stalking you. I keep them from telling my boss but they suspect that we're together." My eyes widen and I nod. "Why can't meet them?" "They sooner kill you then greet you." "I can hold my own! I even practiced with my gun! And..." "I said no!" I jump back at Toby's outburst. I cover my face and cry. I wasn't called a crybaby for nothing. "I'm sorry but I care about you. I'll talk to them. I thought I'd show you a new place you could stay at.." "W-where?" I say calming down a bit. "My family's old summer cabin. Some of my sisters close are still there that you can have." I nod and he grabs my hand. "I love you... It would crush me to see you hurt." "Beg." I say with a smirk. Toby rolls his eyes and gets on him knees and puts his hands in a begging manner. "OH PLEASE BEAUTYFUL Y/N WILL YOU EVER FORGIVE ME?!!?!" "Yes now shush the cops are gonna hear you!" I say with a laugh. "That's a risk I'd take for you any day.." I smile and we walk towards the woods.

Oh, just try and catch us!

Here we find our omnipotent outlaws fall behind the grind tonight,
Left unaware that the lone store owner won't go down without a fight.
Where we gonna go? He's got us pinned!
Baby, I'm a little scared
Now, don't you quit
He's sounded the alarm, I hear the sirens closing in.

Our paper faces flood the streets,
And if the heat comes close enough to burn then we're burning this place to the ground 'cause...

You'll never take us alive
We swore that death will do us part
They'll call our crimes a work of art
You'll never take us alive
We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners,
Partners in crime

This is ... police department. Come out with your hands up, we have the place surrounded. Put your weapons down, put your weapons down! Ready, men? Aim... Fire!

Masky's p.o.v

~So he sneaks out to see a girl?~ "Pathetic." I scoff. "He needs someone like her. He has been less...annoying lately?" "True but.." "OH PLEASE BEAUTIFUL Y/N WILL YOU EVER FORGIVE ME?!!?!" I roll my eyes and laugh. "She's okay I guess" after they walk towards the woods me and hoodie run ahead. When we see them in the distance we pop out from above them. ~gotta thank the trees for a good jump scare.~ "So this is where you've been dissapearing to?" I say. "Masky....I swear if you lay a finger on her ill chop you up like butter!" (A/N maka chop!) "Umm where is the girl Toby?" Hoodie asks. "Oh Toby I forgot to tell you. -gun cocking sound- I bought another gun." Then I feel the barrel of her gun on my temple. "Listen miss. We're not gonna hurt you." "Oh I'm not worried about myself. If Toby doesn't like you then I sure don't. If you move a mussel ill shoot." "She's not bluffing. Don't move." "Call her off. Please." Hoodie asks as Y/N takes his gun. He tries to snatch it bit she shoots close to his head. "DON'T SHOOT ME WITH MY OWN GUN!!!" (A/N get the reference?) I hear static and I see slender appear behind Toby. "Masky,..hoodie. You've been disarmed by a teenage girl on her period?" "HEY!" The girl says with a blush. "She's with me slender. She's my girlfriend." He stares before slashing her. He leaves a proxy symbol on her chest and she doesn't say anything. Toby rushes to her as she passes out. "Dr. Smiley will attend to her. When she wakes up give her a kind welcome to the family OK boys?" He orders before dissapearing. "She' of us..." Toby mumbles. The look in his eyes is what terrifies me. They are wide and crazy looking. They look like he's about to snap. Tears stream down his face and he's silent the whole way home.

~He's broken beyond fixing~

The skies are black with lead-filled rain,
A morbid painting on display,
This is the night the young love died,
Buried at each other's side,
You never took us alive
We swore that death would do us part
So now we haunt you in the dark,
You never took us alive,
We live as ghosts among these streets,
Lovers and partners
Partners in crime
Partners in crime
Partners in crime

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