Chapter 6 - Revelations

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CHAPTER 6 – Revelations

Junko poured himself another bowl of strong Sake and grunted as he guzzled it down in one go, wiping his mouth afterwards.
He had polished off another bottle, and had already placed another bottle at the ready when Hiyuna entered his room.
"Sensei, haven't you had enough?" she asked.
"I'll let you know when I have had enough" Junko snapped back, pouring another bowl and giving her a sour look.
Meanwhile Shoji and Sung-Yip were outside practicing defensive techniques when the clatter of horse hooves alerted them to impeding guests. A group of heavily armored Samurai in garish red plated armor with their faces covered by large horned helmets were guarding a group of men in a cart that parked near the entrance of the Dojo.
A frail man bearded stepped outside and was immediately surrounded by the samurai as he walked towards the two men.
"Is this the residence of one Junko Kazuka?" the man asked.
"Why, who wants to know?" Sung-Yip bluntly replied.
"My name and title is Lord Tsukiyama, sovereign ambassador to the shogunate leaders in Kyoto"
Shoji stepped forward "What can we do for you, my lordship?"
"Take me to Junko. I have matters to attend to with him" Tsukiyama answered.

The crowd bustled inside the Dojo and stood to attention, while Junko begrudgingly lumbered out of his room to see the group of heavily armored men at the ready.
"Himura, good to see you" Junko blurted out indifferently, with Tsukiyama replying "Junko, likewise. Sit, I have a lot to discuss with you"
Junko sat on the floor and was soon joined by Himura and another person, an older woman whose beauty hadn't been degraded with age.
"So what can I do for you, Lord Tsukiyama?" Junko irritably asked.

Himura straightened his posture and replied "I know you are the one behind the 6 samurai who have saved many lives and stopped villains of ill repute, such as the so called Judge, and the many bandits who threatened our caravans. I and several others in the higher government positions appreciate your efforts, but now, we are in a spot that is going to end up being nearly impossible to dig out of...your former student and co-teacher, Nobunaga is becoming a threat to the Tokugawa government and needs to be ended immediately"
Junko hid his pain and replied jokingly "If it's my permission to kill that traitor that you came here for, then you have it. No need to have wasted such a trip"
"We wouldn't have asked you anyways, Junko. What we want, nay, NEED is your 6 students to put a stop to him. He's gathering his own party of killers and warriors to make his move on the capital, and already he has amassed a large enough number so that sacking the government would be easy enough if the other shogunates decide to stay away. As much as it embarrasses me, I cannot risk more lives to fight him and his group and while I am not happy considering using your people, from the eyes of the government, they are-"
"Expendable" Junko finished "You want hired goons to do your dirty work because you and the government you are pleasuring are scared. Don't bother making your intentions pleasant, Himura. We've known each other too long"
Shoji poked his head in "Sensei, who is this Nobunaga he spoke about?"
A guard stepped in front of the samurai, when Himura replied "Maybe your sensei here should explain what is going on instead of me"
Junko shot Shoji a venomous look, with Himura continuing "You have a stake in this you know"
"What? My dignity?"
"No, can come home again"
Junko stopped and stared at Himura. " mean I can come back to the fold?"
Himura nodded. "Kill Nobunaga and his men. You have the permission of the government to go to the fullest extent, as long as you don't directly harm the Shogunate's men or their affiliates. I will give you 2 days to mull this over, and in the meantime, I think you ought to tell your 6 warriors the truth. Because sooner or later, they will find out on their own..."
Himura stood, while the older woman stayed behind. As the guards, save for one, filed out of the Dojo Junko grumbled "So Miyura, I take it you're enjoying your position in the capital?"
The woman, Miyura, nodded solemnly. "You know I had to take the position. The only reason they even allowed me, a woman, in this spot was because I have trade ties"

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