Tatara Totsuka x BrainWashed! Reader

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It was just another normal day for you and HOMRA. Everyone was lounging around the first floor, chattering away laughing every once in a while. Whilst you and Tatara were cuddling on the large red velvet sofa, smiling at the scene before your set of gleaming eyes. It was a wonderful evening for everyone, the laughs and cheers could be heard throughout the whole bar.

Tatara kissed your forehead causing you to blush in embarrassment, resulting in the young carefree man to chuckle. "Would you like to go see the lights with me tonight? I could bring my camera and we can spend the night gazing at the sky!" Your boyfriend cheered, you lightly giggled, placing a hand over your mouth as small echo's of laughter erupted from it. "Yes, I would love to," you softly voiced, kissing him on the cheek.

You were very special to HOMRA, everyone adored you. You were very bright and cheerful and had a little bit of a badass kink, helping others was main as well as spending time with everyone. You, besides Tatara, were their own little sun that would personally shine down on HOMRA every day, and they would do anything to protect you. Heck, you were even close friends with some members of SCEPTER 4 like Seri Awashima, Fushimi Saruhiko; despite the relationship he has with Yata, and even the Blue king himself- Reisi Munakata. They all adored you in there own personal ways.

You sat up, stretching your arms and legs, slowly letting your muscles extend themselves in a soothing manner. Lifting your tired legs up, you headed towards your room to retrieve a black hoodie with the red HOMRA insignia on it. Quickly rushing down the old Mahogany stairs, your sprinted to the door and met with your lover outside. Leaving you and him waving the others goodbye; promising to return home soon.

As you were walking down the cold sidewalk, Tatara intertwined his fingers with yours, your harmonious giggles wafting through the crisp air. The sky was a mesmerizing Indigo and the streets were full of various cars. Deciding to change things up, your loving boyfriend picked you up bridal style and started to attack your face with kisses. You and him were laughing the whole way there expecting your night to be perfect.

Reaching the roof of the building, you couldn't help but unconsciously extend your hand out to the sky trying the catch the floating shades of green, pink and aqua. You felt a warm pair of arms coil around you, turning your head around, you kissed Tatara's cheek and brushed a stray hair out of his face gazing at the beauty of your boyfriend that is shown before you. Your boyfriend slowly moving in, your lips locked into each other. Passion spreading from your lips as you moved in sync, slowly releasing  Tatara pulled away from the warm embrace and grabbed his old fashioned camera.

Starting the video, he couldn't help laughing as you pranced around the roof, enjoying the cool breeze flowing through your luscious locks. Soon gasping as an odd man wearing a white suit with white hair suddenly appeared, laughing hysterically. As your boyfriend began to greet the hysteric fellow, you couldn't help but notice the petite black pistol that was hidden behind his back, as he slowly picked up the gun, your eyes widened in shock as you screamed, "Tatara!!" Without anytime for him to react you ran towards him and shoved him out of the way.

A long grunt left your lips as you felt the stone cold metal pierce through your chest. Collapsing you felt strong shaking arms prevent you from bashing your body against the concrete. "(Y-y/n)! Don't worry e-everything will be alright! Just h-hang in there," small droplets of salty liquid landed on your pale face, tiredly lifting up your hand you gently caressed his cheek, "d-don't worry Tatara, e-everything will be j-just fine." Blood slowly yet agonizingly pouring out of your body like rain flowing out of a gutter.

Reaching for his phone, he quickly dialed a number, you can hear is shoes clacking against the floor in nervousness. "I-Izumo! It's (y/n)! She got shot, please h-help u-us..."

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