Yuma Mukami x Scared! Reader

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It was a dark and stormy night, the rain was pattering against the windows harshly, the trees were banging on the glass windows and the wind howled through the thick branches of the trees that surrounded the Mukami manor. Your body shook in fear as a cackle of thunder sounded, trembling- you reached for your slippers, placed them on your clothed feet and went for the door. Slowly opening the wooden door a large creak resounded throughout the hallway, tiptoeing towards your lovers room for comfort, you immediately halted once you heard what sounded like pounding footsteps coming your way.

Eyes opening wide in fear you made a run for it, trying not to create a massive amount of noise as your feet practically slammed into the carpeted floor. Panting, feeling the adrenaline flow through your veins you lifted your hand and placed it over your clothed heart feeling it pump rapidly as you heaved a sigh of relief.

Walking once more you couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement as you neared your boyfriends door. Your silk nightgown trailing behind you, you couldn't help but look around the dark secluded hallway shuddering as the cold air bit against your bare neck. As you ventured on to your lovers room, you whipped your head around as soon as you heard what sounded like a window quickly creek open.

The sight before you was absolutely sinister, the window was slammed open and harsh rain was pouring into the mansions interior. What you heard next was completely eldritch, a menacing laugh sounded through the hallway causing you to place a cupped hand over your mouth to prevent you from screaming. Running once more a shiver crawled up your spine as you felt like some sort of hand crawl up your arm, the finger like touch sent you over the edge in fear.

Scratching your porcelain-like arm with your twitching fingers you ran once more yearning for your lovers smooth touch and melodic words. Finally feeling somewhat tranquil you sighed and collapsed on the floor, euphoria washing over you as you sensed the evil presences gone and realized the major factor of the whole scenario which was you indeed, survived.

Fear once more took over your body as you felt someones hot breath against your neck. Frozen in fear all you could do was cower and let hell take you in, your (H/L) (H/C) creating a thin barrier around your fragile quivering form. Your face paled as soon as you felt large hands clasp over your eyes and your plump lips.

You slammed your eyes shut waiting for the worst but your tense body soon relaxed as you heard soft chuckling. "Hah, it's so fun to tease my little lamb" your lover, Yuma's, gruff voice spoke. Feeling his hands move from your face you fluttered your eyes open and you immediately lunged for him.

Clasping your arms around his tall slim body, clutching onto his sweater taking in his sweet scent you immediately felt hot tears stream down your cheeks as you finally felt secure. He lightly chuckled at this and stroked your hair as you quietly sobbed. "Y-Yuma, I was s-so scared! I thougt I-I was going t-to d-die!" You stuttered.

Feeling your chin being pulled up forcing you to look into his beautiful Tomato like eyes a small smile crossed onto your face as your fears washed away just as quickly as when a persons footsteps by the shore are washed away by the ocean. Feeling your surroundings change you looked around and noticed you were in Yuma's bedroom.

Realizing you were on his bed you automatically crawled under the covers and let the warmth engulf you, feeling the bed dip beside already know who is was you cuddled into Yuma's buff figure snuggling deeper into his chest allowing the security of him take a large toll on you. Feeling a kiss on your forehead you looked up to see Yuma already fast asleep, lifting your head up you gave him a light peck on the lips before he grabbed the back of your head and pulled you in for more.

Pulling your lips apart you layed your back down against the mattress as you closed your eyes shut hoping for sleep to overthrow you. "Don't worry little lamb, I'm never going to let anything bad happen to you," he whispered.

"I love you Yuma" you spoke, "I love you too.....(Y/N)." Once you heard he called you by your real name instead of his silly old nick-names, you knew he was serious and that caused you to feel at ease and your once slightly tense body to completely relax.

Closing your eyes you fell into a wondeful sleep lying next to your loving boyfriend whom was cuddling you up in his arms listening to your every breath and your every heart-beat.

[A/N]- Hey wassup people, I hope you enjoyed this Yuma x Reader one shot and can't wait for my next one shots to come lol(I'm so conceited JK JK XD) So just remember if you want a specific one shot for our smexy dialover and Kproj. boys just request them down below in the comments! See ya-

-Tiffany A.K.A(or as my friend likes to call me) Tsundere

*(Oh yea, sorry that this was kind of short lol)*

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