Izumo Kusanagi x Tortured! Reader

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Everything was perfect, the flowing cherry blossom petals that swayed through the wind, the ever gleaming sun that shined down amongst the people whom walked below- yet at the same time everything wasn't. Who knew that the sun could be everyone's worst enemy; well for you it was, as the rays shone down on your back as harsh as they could ever be, sweat endlessly formed in your forehead and back making your skin feel sticky like glue.

Your mind and body tired from the heat you couldn't help but lay yourself onto the soothingly cold wooden planks. Sighing in pure bliss you automatically allowed a small smile to spread across your lips, closing your eyes taking in your cool surroundings you didn't even realize how oblivious you were to everything around you.

So when you heard silence-breaking soft chuckles you immediately snapped your head upwards to be met with the amused members of your boyfriends clan. Blushing furiously in embarrassment the only thing you could resort to doing was turning your head in the other direction trying to cover your blush like how foundation can cover up most of your imperfections.

Finally forcing yourself to make eye contact with them, you sighed in relief when you noticed they weren't paying any attention to you anymore, heaving yourself up you trotted towards your boyfriend who- as usual- held a wine glass in one hand and a rag in the other delicately polishing the glass in a circular type motion. Lightly tapping his back he slowly turned around to face you,

"Hey Izumo" you greeted and to add on you placed a quick kiss on his cheek.

"Hey (Y/N)" he winked, "how was everything while I was gone?" he chuckled lightly,

"Horrible, the sun tried to kill me or something- I even had to lie on the floor for gods sake!" You complained wiping the coming sweat with the back of your hand.

Taking in his amused facial expression you rolled your eyes and playfully punched him in the shoulder but not so hard that it would knock the glass out of his hands. Feeling a small hand tug on your shirt you looked down to meet the eyes of the young, beautiful albino haired girl; Anna. "Hey there Anna, what's up?" She slowly looked up into your sparkling (E/C) eyes and uttered the word 'ice cream'.

"Would you like me to retrieve you some ice cream princess?" She nodded in reply and you smiled back. Taking her small hands into your soft ones you walked to the door not before informing Izumo of you and Anna's leaving. Walking out of the memory filled bar you grasped Anna's hand tightly as you neared the Ice cream parlor.

You couldn't help but giggle after noticing how fast Anna's eyes lit up once we were standing in front of the shop. Recollecting yourself you grasped Anna's hand a little looser as you allowed her to run freely to the counter which would help her decipher which ice cream flavor she would decide to have. Patiently waiting due to the fact you already knew which type to have you watched with amusement as Anna traveled her fingers along the fogged case.

"Mint chocolate chip", she murmured. Immediately knowing that was the one she had chosen, you walked towards the counter and payed for both of your delicious cold treats.

After paying, you and Anna walked out of the store whilst eating your favorable ice cream in comfortable silence. Smiling to yourself you used a free hand and gently caressed Anna's hair, feeling her relax in your arms you couldn't help but release a slight laugh.

Sensing dark intimidating presences you tensed and paused your walk. Looking up at you with a confused expression Anna tightly held your hand. Shaking the feeling off you continued your walking but immediately stopped once you heard attempted quiet footsteps stalking closer to you- turning around you felt the unrecognizable aura consume you. Looking at the uneasy Anna with fearful eyes you pulled her frail body tightly against yours.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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