Chapter 1

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    I woke up to the warm early September air. It was quiet as if I was the last person on earth. My day dreaming was disturbed at the sound of my alarm clock. It was the first day of school. The first day of eighth grade I was finally now the senior of the school, a ruler a higher power someone who was feared by others for the distress of the consequences if he or she shall cross such individuals. 

      I had not always been the most socially accepted person out there being a gay girl on the spectrum. This year, this year I thought to myself this is going to be my year. I got out of bed after my alarm clock stopped ringing and put on my favorite flannel shirt and grey-black shorts. I never eat breakfast so that was a skip on my part. After I brushed my teeth and put on my shoes I was on my way for the bus stop.

      As I was waiting for the bus I wondered who my driver was. Every year I had a different bus driver all of them were as unhappy as a disturbed bee hive. This year I had a different feeling though.

       I waited about 10-15 minutes and around the corner I saw the bus coming. I couldn't make out whether It was a man or woman but as the bus approached me I realized it was a man in his late thirties maybe early forties a little heavy set with brown hair and brown eyes.

As I went to take my seat on the bus he smiled and told me to buckle in. This was an ok start. As the bus went from stop to stop I realized how aggressive the eighth graders were saying racial and gay slurs. This offended me a lot but I was stuck back there for there was no other seat. Besides all that I tried to shake things off.

After the bus ride I headed to my homeroom D-203. Our bus was real late to school so I had to ask for directions to my first class. Mr. Conrad who directed me to my first class technology. Mrs. Jacobson started taking attendance as I was walking in. It wasn't until 10 minutes after class started that she told me that I was actually to report to physical education. I figured out I actually have her class third period. I went to gym just time for my name was being called.

" Olivia, is there an Olivia here? A petite and olive skinned women half-yelled.

" Right here Mrs uh...mrs uh." I said before I was cut off.

" Ms. Shane? She said unamused "right your ten minutes late I expect no more tardiness from you."

I went to sit down looking for someone I recognized and I spotted my friend Julie. We sat down and chatted until Ms. Shane was done with her boring speech. Every year it's the same thing don't forget your sneakers, make sure you wear deodorant. I assume it's pointed at the 6th graders and that all of us remember to wear deodorant by now however, I wouldn't count on it.

After I was dismissed from gym I headed back to homeroom. I sat down quietly in a desk in the back So I didn't have to be the center of attention in the front. As I was observing the room I realized I was in a social studies class. Mr. Conrad started taking attendance trying to memorize our names correctly. As he kept calling attendance I started dozing off but then he called two names that caught my attention Ella and Caitlyn and my heart nearly dropped....

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