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Naruto's POV

So I  was just resold while Sasuke left me. I hated the teme now, if he ever came back I don't want to go with him. I would prefer to just die and not care anymore. I wouldn't care for the baby that was growing in me right now, no I would care since it is part of me.Anyway my new so called 'master' was a woman. She looked okay, but just like the others she was horrible. I was set up in a huge bedroom with a canopy bed which had huge ceiling to floor windows and the biggest closet my eyes could ever rest on. I enjoyed it for a while until I found out that she just wanted sex in many different forms and positions. I was tired of this I wanted to leave but I couldn't. One night I did try to but she found me and made me fuck her right on the spot as the sun rose and other aliens came out for their day. I was too embarassed to even try again. As I stayed with her I was spoiled well until she found that my stomach grew thanks to my little pup.I was sent back to the market to be sold again.

I was in the cage when there was a bowl of food that was pushed my way by a stick, reasons why a stick. Well let's just say someone won't be having children or listening to anyone anymore. I wouldn't eat for a bit since there was this excruciating pain around my stoamch area. I would eat small amounts but it still came back three times worse. I sat in the cage eating small bits of bread until it was taken away. My cage was pulled by some rope and I was dangling from a pully as a crowd formed around me. The fish like aliens that this planet inhabited stared and licked their lips. I had found out from another alien that was trapped on this planet that these fish related aliens ate anything that wouldn't last an hour on their planet. I rested my head against the rope like structure the cage was made out of as I heard the auction continue.

"One gil for this cute little fox going once,twice,an-"The auctioner was cut off by a number,"Four gils for the fox going once,twice...sold for four gils. And that ends the auction for today. All purchases should be picked up at the back."The man said and dropped down from the stage.

My cage was dropped slowly and I was pulled to the ramp where the cages were just rolled down.I rolled down and was caught by four arms. I looked up with my dull eyes and found a young couple smiling down at me. I waved and looked down as they dragged me away from the only safety I had on this planet. The couples dragged me to a small little house that was pink and blue, strange don't you think? The cage was opened from the top and I was pulled out. The man set me down on carpet flooring, the woman went to go find something to cut the ropes that tied my hands and legs.

The male alien started to talk in thier native tongue leaving me to wonder what they were saying, soon I was being pushed to the floor.The woman watched as the man took off the only clothing I had left which were just a stylish shirt that my previous owner had bought and the pants Sasuke had given me the first day we met.I let my mind go as my body was being touched in ways Sasuke would have.I drifted from memories of the times I would have so much fun on the ship I was on before any of this happened,before I met Sasuke. I felt a tear run down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away.The couple that had bought were having their fun so I should be too but then again I didn't want any harm coming to the pup that was going to be in this world in the next seven months.

I felt a strong pain coming from my stomach area again so I focused on it more then I usually would. I pulled my arms to lay gently down on my stomach as I felt the male tie my legs with something rough and scratchy. I looked down to find that it was a different type of rope. What's with these aliens and rope?I thought. The pain grew stronger and I screamed out.I rolled half way over but decided that laying on my back was better.The couple stared at me for a second then I was slapped hard across the face. I felt my cheek grow hot from the slap, I cried out again.What ever this baby was doing to me it hurt like hell. I was pulled up to stand on my feet. I heard the sound of a chain being pulled on and glanced down through the tears that had started to form in my eyes. I was chained to the wall.

The couple had left me in what seemed like the living room, it was already dark out and I wasn't fed. I sat on the carpet floor thinking and crying. Before I  could do anything a knife was thrown in my direction and a voice could be heard yelling. I hid my face and cried silently.The door to the house opened silently and a figure stepped in.The chain to my rope was broken.The figure stepped into the moonlight,it was Itachi.He was smirking down at me just like Sasuke used to do after we had a small fight.I was thrown over his shoulder and carried out. I opened my mouth to complain about the baby being hurt but I guess Itachi must have read my thoughts and set me down.

"Can you walk?"He asked as he continued forward.

I looked back then decided against anything that made me go back to the house. I followed Itachi through the night until the sun rose.

I will write the next chapter after I take a nap lol I woke up at 2 in the morning and im sleeeping at 2 in the after noon XD night for now!

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