chapter 17: I dont know anymore

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I am a horrible person im sorry. I am soo slow with updates and i dont publish them until like four years later. Anyways this is going to be all Stiles' P O.V and he is just debating on whether he still likes Scott. Bye hope you all like this chapter!!
Stiles' P.O.V

I don't know.

I dont know.

I DONT FREAKING KNOW!!! AHG! Why is it so hard to decide on the easiest things?! It either I love him and he is still my brother or I want to rip his head off and hate him. I asked Malia if we can trust him. I only trust her, she is the only one I can trust. I cant decide on this shit right now im tired I haven't eaten all day and my head hurts.  I never thought my head would hurt from thinking. Oh god shut up Stiles. Stop thinking and talking to yourself. What is wrong with you?

Im either losing my mind or im not as smart as I used to be. I guess its both. Today is monday and I know that Scott and the pack are going to be buggin' the shit out of me at school today. Shit, speaking of school, I'm late. I missed first and second so im on break right now.

/Time skip cause I'm amazing..jk\

I arrive at school and see Malia talking to scott. Of course if I was still like the old me id be a little jealous, but im not. Plus jealousy isnt that nice of a look for me so I ignore it and head to my locker.
All morning I've been debating on whether or not I can trust Scott.
And of course as I look to the right I see him walking torwards me.

"Have you thought of what I said?" He asks. I think he is a little worried of my answer. I smile at him.

"No." Im calm. He looks at me with wide eyes. I smile, pat him on the back and leave. He runs for me but is stopped by the bell. Luckily I dont have third period with him or any of the pack members.

********************************IM SORRY!!!! I havent updated in like four thousand years. I know this is short but I just wanted to give you guys a little something to read. Sorry

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