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[Again, [Y/R/N] is your real name, [Y/N] is your stage name that you use in place of your real first name]

"Oh my gosh, it's her. She's come to school again."

"Why does she even bother?! Her whole family is full of bad people!"

"Yeah, no one wants you here! How about you just don't show up anymore?"

...It was hard to ignore all that.


Since that happened, the bullying started and got worse really quickly.

Flowers wilting on my table,

My table always trashed,

Even stealing my belongings sometimes.

And of course, the teacher did absolutely nothing.

All I could hear was the constant harassing of my peers at school. I began to hate all their voices; none of them mattered anymore.

"Alright class, today a new student will be transferring to our class today..."

That's right, the teacher said that we had a transfer student arriving that day. I was confused though. Why was this kid transferring to our class when there was like, only one month of school left? To be honest I seriously didn't care that much; to me, it was just one more kid I had to deal with bullying from.


But I judged too quickly.

During snack time...That new student...came up to me...


"?" I lifted my head to look at the voice's owner.

He was a really nice looking boy. Straight black hair and big, beautiful indigo eyes. But what could he want to do with me? Surely he'd start hating me because of that incident too...right...?

"...That's your name, right?"

Honestly, why the hell was he even interested in me back then?

"...yes." I answered him in a low voice and then looked back down at my table, continuing to eat my snack.

"Why are you alone? Come on, spend snack time with me."

...Was this boy for real?

"B-But wh...why? I-I know you are new here, but didn't everyone tell you what happened and why you should stay away from m-"

"I don't care and I don't want to know. No one deserves to be alone. So please spend snack time with me! I'll sit with you at lunch too!" The boy held out his hand with a gentle smile.

He had me speechless. He refused to find out what the incident was about and just pushed it aside to be my friend.

...The first friend I've had since the incident occurred.

Of course, I was grateful. I accepted his hand.

From then on, for the rest of the month in 2nd grade, we did everything together. What's even more funny is that our birthdays are right next to each other. His birthday is July 7th and mine is on the 8th. When we got out of school in late June, he'd promised that he'd throw a party for the both of us.

...I still don't understand what he saw in me. He definitely had the right to know what the incident was about and yet he didn't care.

Butterfly in Hospice [Ageha RikuXReader]Where stories live. Discover now