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He continued to pretend. He was waiting until she lost feelings for him.

But then of course, that would never happen.

Not to her anyways.

She loved him. With every ounce of her soul.

She would love him until the day she died.

Though it was a one sided love, everyone around them wished for someone like Jungkook.

Who did care for her, as a human being, that he set aside his own feelings just to make her happy.

After a few months,
He was starting to be happy too.

He was learning how to love her, finally.

He doesn't know how, but he fell for her. Hard.

Maybe it was the way her eyes lit up when talking about her favorite things, like reading books, or eating candy.

Or maybe it was the way her eyebrows would furrow and she would unconsciously pout lightly when she was confused or focused.

That's when he realized her loved her.

He was happy.

Until he got a call in the middle of the night from the hospital.

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